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Guest Dr._Threepwood

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Same title But spelt wrong,and same sort of thing in the topic,in that one the age,in yours where you live.


But anyway I live in Hatfield,Hertfordshire,UK.A while back there was a train crash in my town,and it actually got on the national news,My town sucks @$$ and i never thought it would go on the news.




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I like to say I live in Califorina but frequently visit North Carolina, but My friends look at me and say im a Moron whenever I say that. Then I say Im going to go and cry, they say go ahead and i poke my eye untill it waters smile.gif I guess you might say I inhabit the state of NC but it is never home. Ah yes, San Diego, the beach, the waves, my love(The Royal Polaris) wink.gif



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I'm from Australia, Yay for me biggrin.gif and before stupid annoying people ask stupid questions here's a list of the following we don't do ever single day or whatever


1. We don't ride around in kangaroo pouches, they are not our means of transport- we do have cars and trucks and buses and trains and moterbikes, use your head, we dont all live in the desert


2. We don't talk like crocodile dundee and I have not met a single person that goes around saying "throw another shrimp on the barbie" the only person I know that says that are moronic people from overseas who come in here thinking they know heaps about Australia when they don't


I think I'm going to stop this list now, otherwise I'll be here all day writing a list




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yeah, natty, i have the same problems with me living in canada


1) We actually do NOT live in igloos!

2) We do have a summer, and we even wear shorts!!! *gasp*

3) We dont use "eh?" every other word. I use it almost as a question mark... ex. that was a pretty cool dance eh?



i'll stop now smile.gif




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Guest Dr._Threepwood

Chicago: 12 fun filled degress in the winter and 107 in the summer. I don't know hwy any1 would live here for Hot summers or cool winters.ALso there too many bums on the street here.




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Guest Dr._Threepwood

Originally posted by Natty:

You know I think the media has a lot to blame for with what other countries think of other countries (if that makes sense)


I agrre with u there and people call chicago the windy city but is there aint't wind here often enough to call it the windy city.

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She meant more like stereotypical opinions of people, not names. Like how most Americans view people in the Northwest as outdoorsy computer programmers with a cell phone in one hand and a mocha in the other. Well, that is true to some extent, except for the computer programmer and outdoorsy part. The majority of people in the Pacific Northwest are addicted to caffiene.




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Guest grannen

I live on the Swedish West Coast and we have polar bears walking around on the streets during the winter.



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen


[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited February 24, 2001).]

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Whoah that's far more then we've ever had. It was fun though, I made a coll snowman biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif. Now the snow is melting, and turning into ice. Boy am I glad I don't have to go to school this week.




I would never kill somebody...unless they **** me off!

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