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this is not about monkey island but...


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hey do you guys watch Battle Bots? I am entering look out for hell twister anyideas for my robot? if so please respond and i might put a little dedication to some peaple here if they gimme a good enough suggestion




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I think you should make it a spinning wedge. Then you could go and wedge people, or for an alternate attack, you can spin. You'd of course need to attatch something to the bot, small spikes or something, so it'd be useful as a spinner. Keep it as light as possible so you can face lighter bots, but don't sacrifice power for anything. The strongest bots always win, unless the opposition can drive like Al Unser Jr. Those are my ideas.




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Yep, it's like the American version of Robot Wars. There are some rules, like you can't have any projectiles. You also can't have anything that is oriented towards capturing the other bot, like a net or something. And they aren't allowed to be able to jump over 6 feet high.

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

OH WOW!! Robot Wars!! I'm a manic fan!!

My favourite in the english version was Roadblock but now he's a crappy Beast of Bodmin.

I've sent you (Timmy) an e-mail for a design

I thought of.




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ok i have discused it with my freind and we think we are going to use a modle veyr simaler to biohazerd sept we will try to make it better we came up with the name

Hell Twister what do you guys think of the name?




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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

Urgh. The ground clearence on that thing looks good. (It looks like last years winner in the english version Panic Attack)

Your not gonna use the lifting fork are you? That is so old now. Robots are being designed to counter that now. You need to be inventive. Try a differet weapon.




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