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SIM THEME PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i o9ve that game and yet i'm the MASTER ha ha ha

but i wanna publish it

it's so great anyways. need any help i even have tons of hints you don't get in the guide so just give me a holller. Anyways i'm getting board. 4 of my janitors that have a BIG skill and that i'm paying $1225 dollars in their wage ARE SATNING AROUND IN CIRCLES LIKE IDIOTS!!!

i coul;d fire them but i really need the help

i've bought every piece of land there is . And I'm geeting sick of it because the kids always get sick and they leave gunkbehind

get all sad and leave. And they have tons of mopney that

I NEEED!!!!!!

anyways i'm an expert on this so if you need any help just reply back

but it is such a fun game

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[cynical]Good for you! Keep up the good work.[/cynical]


As a side note: I'd be great if there were cynical smilies. Or at least sarcastic. Yes, I know there is the one with the rolling eyes, but that doesn't cut it.




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but there is a way in which you can buy FREE land. if you know what i mean. You go to the buy land button right and first you buy an area of land for let's say $500 (and your buying vertically let's say). Then afterwards you go to the buy land buttong and go horizontally and only buy just one block. The price should say $zero. and you can buy it. It's confusing to say but if i could upload a picturee here it would be easier to show. Anyways it's a long procees but a good one to buy land for nothing!!

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sim theme park is a really good game, but it sucks ass when a ride that you spent so long making and cost so much just runs out of life and then you have to build it again. AnywayZ, those kids throw up way to much and the only good park is the dinosaur one and the space one, but the expansion looks good.


my overall game rating for sim theme park = 82%


the game is good but after awhile you run out of things to do, but isn`t that the case for all simulation games, eventually you`ve bought everything there is and there`s no point to continue playing.




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hey it's DISCO STU(d)

homer:i just couldn't fir the d


anyways i'm a 87% good at it. I mean i'm awesome.But yes it does suck when rides become condemed. And when you staff is dumb. Polluttion everywhere. Everyone's sad and disattisified YOU NEED SECURTIY CAMERAS EVERYWHERE THE ADVISSOR GUYV IS ANNOYING


but i like it. I've over comed that. I shiut off the advisor. Raised my staff to the fullest. Didscovered every feature/ride/ and everything and my BIG hint.


admiral casaba: FIRREEEEEEEE



you save tons of mony. ISnce they have nothing to do since thery resaearched everything

just fire them. So i'm badsically a master at this game. + i have over $400,000

i'm waiting to get

dr. evil: 1 Million dollars!!!!

right right

sorry. 1.. 00 BILLION DOLLARS

ha ha ha!

anyways it's an great game and i'm glad you like it too

write back

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