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an MI fan game_??___sounds pretty good..


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hi, its NiKo again, im making a MI fangame now, i have the scripts and everything ready now, im only missing ONE thing... a program to MAKE the actual game, i heard "klik & play" is a good program, anywhere i can download it? the game takes place BEFORE MI1.and you play as Lechuck when he was alive (youll see its really a nice plot into it and changes the whole point of view we've seen so far)



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I'd suggest AGS(Adventure Game Studio)www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk It's a good program for fan games. You can create sierra-interface or you can make your own. I hope this helps. I just don't understand what is this Homeboy-NiKo thing?



They don't call me the Bone Master for nothing

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There is a game engine project called "SCRAMM" I'm sure that almost all of you knew it before but if there is someone who dont know. www.scramm.org I'm not sure if it's ever going to be ready. But if it's going to be ready it will be awesome. I will be better than SCUMM. smile.gif



They don't call me the Bone Master for nothing

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Guest grannen

A beloved member of our society asked me to publish the following text.




as you may have heard i am in a proces of making a MI fangame, i sended grannen

this so he can put it in the forumi allready have some “screenshots of the

game”, if you want DESPERATLY to see this lousy screenshots of this game. tell

me and i will E-mail you them ( the backgrounds are taken of the longest journey

I think). if you want to play this game (it will be ready in about 4 months.

yanow, school and all) then i suggest not to read on as this contains MANY




* the game takes place BEFORE MI1


*you play as lechuck before AND after he died


*explains you why Lechuck needs guybrush dead.


*cast of characters- not completed yet


-Lechuck (alive & dead)


-Murray (part of lechucks LIVING crew)


-Bob (remember him? his alive)


-Stan, voodoo lady, herman toothrot and The Devil(why i put them all together?,

you will see wink.gif


-Ron&Tim the monkeys


-Elaine marley


-captain marley and his crew


-lemon head, (at this game he is actually called "fruit-cake head)



1.. goodsoup family



2.. Largo Lagrande


-other unamed pirates



islands featured-


* Monkey Island


*Dinky island


*Me'le' Island


*Death Island


*Voodoo island


*dripwuud Island (no not Threepwood )




-chapter 1= The legend of eternity


-chapter2-the journey begins


-chapter3- The Storm / death island


chapter4-a deal with the devil



lots of IN-JOKES!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin.gif



(just a few, i cant resist, )



look at the character names and see if you spot 2 monkeys that left the nest,


-when lechuck dies ( and he does die at some point of the game) a certain

fermiliar grim reaper comes to colect him wink.gif oh and some old lines apear in the

game like: TAKE ON THE WORLD!!!! , its a system of catacombs, im selling these

fine leather jackets. and OH MY GOD YOU KILLED LECHUCK!!! YOU BASTARD!!! Etc…



if you have any questions just ask and i will (try) to answer, and dont say this

game is crap before ya played it.



p.s, New found glory boy, i have a punk in the game, would you like me to name

him after you? smile.gif


Oh almost forgot to say the name of the game is Legend of Lechuck / The Rise of

Monkey Island



another p.s:


about the sims skins, i KNOW they suck, i never said i was any good in making

skins, i just thought someone should do MI skins and GF skins,





Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

ok looks like that fangame is on the side for now... i planned on using RoBoT to make it. but it fails to work on my computer. so im hoping SCRAMM will be out soon. in the meanwhile i will work on the dialoge and the music.






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yeah, is anyone even updating that site anymore confused.gif ? anyways, does any one know RoBoT or had problems with it to? my prob is it just crashes back to the desktop when i launch it. frown.gif robot can be found at mixnmojo.com





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i was trying to use robot a couple of months ago and had the crashing back to desktop problem .


- i can't remember exactly but I think that it only works if you actually load a game with it - you have to have the thing written before it will load, robot is only a compiler, you can't edit the game from within it - that has to be done before. I think there is a demo you can download from the website - that kind of shows you how it works, but the whole thing seems very complicated.

sorry if im totally wrong with this but thats how i remember it



Our generation sees the world

not the same as before

We might as well just throw it all

And live like there's no tomorrow

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so there is no hope... "sigh"...oh well, by the way "Kingjester" what engine are you gonna use for your fangame? dont count on SCRAMM if you want it done this milenium



koko_pebble_lg_clr.gif NiKo koko_pebble_lg_clr.gif

~A Sudden TwisT To ReaLLitY~

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never mind this post




One day I went to LucasArts and they said what the hell are you doing here and I said you know you should make cds green and squary because I like green and I like squares and they said I don't know what you are talking about and I said I don't either.


[This message has been edited by Al-back from the BigWhoop (edited April 07, 2001).]

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