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lua bar? whats a lua?

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the old monkey games used an engine called SCUMM

therfore they called the bar the SCUMMBAR (its an injoke)

now they use a new one called lua, so they named the bar after the LUA engine




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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

Plus Lua is a type of party.

If you have a lua its um kinda like a barbecue in the a hot country. And has people in loud shirts and grass skirts.(Never england then wink.gif




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Guest The Feral Chicken

Actually, NiKo, you're wrong.


The engine used for Grim Fandango and EMI is not LUA, but GRIME (Grim Engine). The SCUMM Bar was renamed the Lua Bar to show how Ozzie is buying and changing all of the worthy businesses in the Carribean...geddit?





And download Gran Wrestling, you fool! Click here.

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Hey Brighteyes, you're talking about a luau not a lua. I think I while back GuybrushUK said a lua was a name for a toilet. (I wonder where that guy went.) And yes, the engine used for EMI was a modified version of GRIME.




"I hope I die before I get old." -Roger Daltrey

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Oh, GuybrushUK....

I wasn't really finnished with him. I once joked about LEC should do a sports game with the monkey island characters, but he didn't get my sarcasm and i never got to explain it to him....




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