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The End Has COME

Guest El Pollo Diablo

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Guest El Pollo Diablo

Because I have returned.











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Madre de Dios es El Pollo Diblo - Captain Blondbeard

Translated - Mother of God the Chicken Devil

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Guest El Pollo Diablo

What a sad life you lead replying after one minute



ccam.jpg :Live Web Cam


Madre de Dios es El Pollo Diblo - Captain Blondbeard

Translated - Mother of God the Chicken Devil

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Guest El Pollo Diablo

Firstly i'm the longest running member who still posts and second i wouldn't come here if i didn't like monkey island


Ok i have returned after 2 months absence and in the first 2 minutes made an enemy. WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED TO THIS BOARD. COS ITS NOW FULL OF FOOLS, WITH PS2's



ccam.jpg :Live Web Cam


Madre de Dios es El Pollo Diblo - Captain Blondbeard

Translated - Mother of God the Chicken Devil

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Guest El Pollo Diablo

K sorry peace for now, ok



ccam.jpg :Live Web Cam


Madre de Dios es El Pollo Diblo - Captain Blondbeard

Translated - Mother of God the Chicken Devil

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Fools with PS2's? haha. The endles ongoing life of the PC user bahing the console user. I had a PC, probably when you were still in diapers, got sick of unfiished games needing patches, constant need of upgrading, configuring, incompatibility, etc. So I sold it, and have been a console gamer ever since. But I DO NOT bash PC users as it is so childish that it's unbelievable. Are yo mad because the gap graphic and game-wise between PC's and consoles is closing, and fast? Why? I love PC games for the fact that all the good ones get ported to consoles., sometimes in worse shape than their PC cousin, sometmes better. EFMI for PS@ looks as good as the PC (when played on a good television). Maybe if you think yourPC is o great, you do spend too much time on it like the people above have stated. P.S. wondering how I post on here w/o a PC? Dreamcast! Also, Lucas Arts is releasing Full Throttle for PS2. Sweet.

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Originally posted by El Pollo Diablo:

Because I have returned.














Brothers? Cuz' they sure look and talk alike.


To drunken below. If you are sorry for caps, then you should not have posted caps. edit your posts like me



[This message has been edited by Resembalence? (edited July 04, 2001).]

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Helloooooooooooo EPD biggrin.gif I kinda hadn't noticed you were gone, but oh well, you're one of those people who kinda lurks in the shadows


I'm sorry, but that pic is really starting to freak me out, I'm surprised I haven't thrown my dinner up yet, the pic is in like every second topic frown.gif Hmmmm maybe that's the reason why I haven't been getting much sleep lately, can't we just ban the URL so that the link doesn't work? smile.gif





Natty- I'm too cute not to hug

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

Welcome back YA BIG CHICKEN!





The names Monkey....Brighteyesmonkey

Member of the F.A.O.F

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Skyclad, I hate to burst your bubble, but the last time I checked, consoles are about 3 years behind PCs. Not counting the Xbox which is only about a year and a half. Console games are programmed on PCs, and pretty much rely on PCs for everything else they do. How fast of a processor does a PS2 have, maybe 200-300mhz? Oh, and the 1.8ghz were just released, too bad.

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Guest El Pollo Diablo

when the smeg did LArts say they were releasing Full Throttle for the PS2, plus it woudn't work



ccam.jpg :Live Web Cam


Madre de Dios es El Pollo Diblo - Captain Blondbeard

Translated - Mother of God the Chicken Devil

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EGM had a report a couple months ago in which they claimed they had a scoop on LEC. They claimed that LEC was working on porting both DOTT and FT to the PS2. I don't believe it. It just sounds so wrong...




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And playing Final Fantasy games on PC sounds wrong too, but it happened. And why wouldn't Full Throttle work on PS2? Monkey Island works, so why not FT? Also, where in hell did you ever hear consoles are 3 years behind PC's? Are you sying the Monkey Island game I just got was released on PC 3 years ago? Or do you mean technology wise? What does PC's having higher specs than consoles have anything to do with it? Most PC games are made for low-end computers any way so those with older PC's can play them. Also, in EGM, most companies including Lucas Arts, are stating that within the next year, the games they develop for consoles and PC's will be released simltaneously. Read: If there eer is a Monkey Island 5, I'll be able to get it for my PS2 on the same day you can get it for PC. P.S. The EGM article also stated that Maniac Mansion was PS2 bound.

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Ok. I'm not a technology oriented person, alright. My reasons for it sounding wrong are economically driven. How well have adventure games done on consoles? Traditionally, not very good. (Although EMI is doing pretty good right now.) The only people who would buy such games are hard core adventure fans. Since these games are already quite old, they have already purchased them. By porting DOTT (it can't be the original Maniac Mansion, I think EGM made a mistake) and FT, what audience are they playing to? They would make no money from bringing either game to the PS2. It would be the most unsuccessful venture ever. Skyclad, please note that the gaming entertainment industry is a business like any other, and LEC isn't out there trying to despertely serve its fans. Secondly, these aren't graphically impressive adventures, so they won't attract a lot of casual gamers, I don't see what purpose bringing them to the PS2 would serve, when they could be ported to another, less powerful machine. It just doesn't sound right.




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Yeah, you're right that there haven't been many graphic adventure fans for consoles. But the reason for that is, is there haven't been many graphic adventures available for any console. And it does sound like Lucas wants to resurrect these older games for fans on consoles that just aren't there. But the genre is getting more popular (again). Shenmue for Dreamcast is one of he top selling games for the system, and is very much like EFMI (graphic 3-D adventure with combat even). And EFMI is selling like hot cakes for PS2 right now. I had to wait 2 weeks after the release to get my copy, and it's the #3 game in Europe right now. PSX had Broken Sword 1 and 2, Discworld 1 and 2, Chronicles Of The Sword, Blazing Dragons etc. Sure, it's a small fan base. But one that's there, and could grow with some quality games. I'm sure Lucas is trying to tap that potential. With 10 million Ps2's being in homes by next year, it's a BIG potential.

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Wait a minute there, don't throw in EMI. It's designed for not only the hardcore adventure fan, but also the casual gamer, in my opinion, with its control, graphics and humor. I'm just saying that anyone who would actually purcase a 5 year old adventure game over something like Metal Gear Solid 2 or Virtua Fighter 4, would already have the game. Any casual gamer would also take the newer game. It's not that there isn't a fan base, it's just that bringing those games onto a console like PS2 would have no appeal for the consumer to purchase them. And those that would be appealed to buy it, already had. There just isn't a lot of strategy behind it. These games aren't enough to make the adventure fan base grow. However, EMI and LEC's future adventure games, that will no doubt get ported to some kind of console, due to the success of EMI on the PS2 (It's 3rd on the seller's list in GB right now), will make the fan base grow. These old, graphiclly-unimpressive titles, aren't the ones that are going to make people drive down to their nearest retailers to purchase them.




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Originally posted by Dinghy Dog:

The only people who would buy such games are hard core adventure fans.


And only hardcore FPS/SOCCER/RPG-fans would buy a FPS/SOCCER/RPG games too. I hate FPS and the fact that I get tempted to buy it just because of the popularity. I mean... you need to be 40-50 years old to like The Beatles? Or even KISS? Hardcore does not equal "Old gamer". It's someone who loves the genre so much, that he/she collects just about everything within it.


I apologize if I misunderstood... just felt like answering to this. smile.gif




[This message has been edited by StarEye (edited July 07, 2001).]

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