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Originally posted by Natty:

Well....... OMFG I just saw a spider run across the dest! Ewwwwwww OK, I'm freaked out now, when it comes back I'm gonna whack it with my shoe mad.gif

OH, So that's where mary went. please dont smack her, instead send her by FEDEX to R. Eng Bianor 05501-010 São Paulo SP, Brazil.

Anyway, being 3-headed doesn't mean much









Well, u know. the trip wasnt really like its showing, i had to make it comic... u know... no one kicked me out... well, just this guy... i mean an army of undead koalas and some evil forces from hell!!!!!!... and this mushroom... well the mushrooms were the evil forces of hell... mushroom, singular... ok forget the koalas... WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE LOOKING AT ME????? KEEP READING THE FORUM, NEVERMIND THIS!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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