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Regarding the sith duel...

Guest Darth G

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Guest Darth G

Pls u guys...


It's obvious that Maul will win Vader...


Go check out the graphic novel, 'Darth Maul'. There u can see him in more action than in the movie...


In the novel, u'll see him do the below:


He killed hundreds of Black Suns' troops, without slowing down his pace.


He used force grip, something that not only Vader has.


He killed the universes' 7 most dangerous pple.


He killed one guy just by looking deep into his eyes (this was due to the immense evil in himself).


Lastly, he survived a bout of force lightning like a shower, unlike vader who was badly injured by it.


So admit it, Maul beats vader

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guys u hafta realize for one thing vader is badly injured (thats why hes in that life suit thing)

special effects made vader much less awesome than he wouldve been had the first three movies been made now(thats ep4-ep6)


and three there is a scale


d maul got huge powers from the dark side


yoda got huge powers from the light side


vader was kinda in the middle


i reast my case




IMage 1.1






:yoda: -------------:vadar: -------------------------:darth:

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wow i'm impressed :bored:


Sorry, but if you know your SW history...Vader WIPED OUT THE JEDI RACE!!! He searched them out and destroyed them...only a very small amount escaped into hiding...do you think Maul could beat the Jedi Council??? Yoda was the only one to live out of the Jedi Council!!!!

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Originally posted by dr_death

wasnt it the emperor who dispatched/killed the jedi council


Don't think so...Empror didn't reveal himself as a Sith...he had to be in the Senate...Remember in ANH it says that Vader is the last of his race...so nobody knew that Palpatine was a Sith...well at least for some time they didn't...I'm not even sure they knew that he was in ROTJ...

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Guest Lord Tirion

Fergie, is your hopes going to be dashed when you find out that Vader isnt the bad ass you thought he was when they actually reveal how in fact the Jedi Race was beaten? You really think Vader dueled over 100 Jedi? Please... Palpatine is the one that gets the credit for that, not Vader.

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

Fergie, is your hopes going to be dashed when you find out that Vader isnt the bad ass you thought he was when they actually reveal how in fact the Jedi Race was beaten? You really think Vader dueled over 100 Jedi? Please... Palpatine is the one that gets the credit for that, not Vader.



You think that all you want Trion:rolleyes:

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by darthfergie


Don't think so...Empror didn't reveal himself as a Sith...he had to be in the Senate...Remember in ANH it says that Vader is the last of his race...so nobody knew that Palpatine was a Sith...well at least for some time they didn't...I'm not even sure they knew that he was in ROTJ...


I don't think so Ferg, the Emperor rose up in rebellion against the Emperor. I think that Yoda and Ben knew about Palpatine, thats why he says not to underestimate the powers of the Emperor. They might not have known at first, but i think that time will tell that the Emperor was a known Sith, only to the jedi if not to everyone. Why do you think that everyone is so afraid of the Emperor, he breath smells?

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


I don't think so Ferg, the Emperor rose up in rebellion against the Emperor. I think that Yoda and Ben knew about Palpatine, thats why he says not to underestimate the powers of the Emperor. They might not have known at first, but i think that time will tell that the Emperor was a known Sith, only to the jedi if not to everyone. Why do you think that everyone is so afraid of the Emperor, he breath smells?


The Jedi knew...they couldn't help but know...but why would anyone listen to the Jedi???

Do you think that they would kill off the Jedi just in the background???

No, they most likely used something political against them like the Vong...


BTW, Trion yes I do think he took on 100s of Jedis...Why do you think he became "More machine than man"????:rolleyes:

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Guest Lord Tirion

Fergie, your crediblity of you knowing Star Wars in my eyes is dropping bro. He is half machine because ONE JEDI kicked his ass sending his ass realing down into a lava pit :rolleyes:


Not a hundred as you would like to believe to support your big boy Vader. I will give you 3 guesses who that ONE JEDI was.


Look at yourself bro. You are sitting here chastizing us with a scolding finger about information you or nobody knows NOTHING about! You are basing this off of one line from Obi Wan who is the KING OF DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEWS! If Episode 6 was never made, I bet you would be the one person scolding us telling us that Vader in fact did killed Anakin Skywalker and that they were two different people. Your whole entire argument in every single Maul vs Vader thread is based on this one statement made my Obi Wan and that is very shallow. First off, I made the thread saying of what we SAW IN THE MOVIES, not what we ASSUME will happen in episodes that are not even out yet. You make Vader out to be the king of all evil. Sorry, Palpatine gets his credit there. But you are so quick not to give credit to Maul or Palpatine because in essense, it makes Darth Vader less of the invincible hero in which you cling on to bro. Why cant you just admit that?

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

Fergie, your crediblity of you knowing Star Wars in my eyes is dropping bro. He is half machine because ONE JEDI kicked his ass sending his ass realing down into a lava pit :rolleyes:

Well I'm smart enough to admit defeat when evidence looks me in the face...

Despite the teachings of his friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin felt that the teachings of Palpatine led to quicker realization of the powers of The Force. This forced Kenobi to confront Anakin, and in a lightsaber duel, Kenobi forced Anakin into a pit of molten rock. It was at this point that Anakin Skywalker was consumed by the Dark Side. He was rescued from the fire by the descendants of the Sith, and reborn as Darth Vader.


BTW, Vader would still win...he was only a padawan at the time...besides who says Lucas won't change it like he does everything else in EU...:(

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

Look at yourself bro. You are sitting here chastizing us with a scolding finger about information you or nobody knows NOTHING about! You are basing this off of one line from Obi Wan who is the KING OF DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEWS!


I'm not useing that for a reference...I'm using several EU mentionings...


BTW...Anyone know where this came from???:confused:

Vader went to Circarpous V to investigate the appearance of Leia Organa on the planet, as well as to locate the Kaiburr crystal. In an amazing duel with Luke Skywalker, Vader was hard-pressed to defeat Luke. Luke succeeded in defeating Vader, and even cut off the Dark Lord's right arm with his own lightsaber. In his dazed state, Vader fell into a sacrificial weel on the Temple of Pomojema and was lost. He survived, however, drawing on the Dark Side of the Force for support and strength.
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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by darthfergie

BTW, Vader would still win...he was only a padawan at the time...besides who says Lucas won't change it like he does everything else in EU...:(


I hate spoilers but...















Thats is gonna be in Episode III, not the EU.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


I hate spoilers but...















Thats is gonna be in Episode III, not the EU.


Supposedly...Lucas hasn't made the script yet. And as we all know he kind of has a history of throwing EU aside...

(EU=anything not in the movies)

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guys can i ask a question






do u think if ep6 was made today with all the spec effects that vader wouldnt be soooooooooooooooo much more awesome



he was supposed to be the master of all evil in the movies dont u think he wouldve had a whole lot more power than maul(in my mind just a cheap (not a cheap a good) attempt at making a prequil vader)

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Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

guys can i ask a question


do u think if ep6 was made today with all the spec effects that vader wouldnt be soooooooooooooooo much more awesome



he was supposed to be the master of all evil in the movies dont u think he wouldve had a whole lot more power than maul(in my mind just a cheap (not a cheap a good) attempt at making a prequil vader)


Of Course...No question about this one...(although Trion will find one;) )

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Guest Lord Tirion

Nope, Vader wouldnt and I willl tell you why in one word. LUCAS


Any of you guys watch the extras on the TPM DVD? Your answer to that question is answered right in there.


There is a segment on the DVD entitled: "Prime of the Jedi". Basically, this whole segment was about the fighting styles of the Jedi long before the original trilogy. He said the only taste that we ever saw of Jedi/Sith was that of old men or crippled half man machines.. that is Luca's quote himself. He purposely made Vader that slow and awkward. He wanted the Jedi and Maul to be the most energetic ever to represent the time of the Jedi that were in the prime. I hope this answered your question =)

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Guest generalViper

ok i'll try to not flame people(not my speciallty)but it is obious that Darth Vader would win think about it he is much stronger than maul he could hit maul so hard that his lightsaber would spin around and cut his own head off,but I still think you arn't giving the emperor enough credit, oh and the reason yoda is so afraid of sideois/emperor is watch out spoiler he fights him and gets creemed and then he tries to escape and his ship is shot down and he lands on dagobah, this is when the Empire starts forming all these mysterious ships appear and kick the republics ass

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