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Jedi at the Jedi Academy

Vader's Apprentice

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well its not the gonk droid academy (thank god :) although it would be fun) so i'd assume there sohuld be quite a few jedi there, and i doubt theyll be doubling skins, so i'd imagine there will be plenty of pretty jedi's there for u to look @ and probably use in MP

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Notice how in JK and MotS ALL of that civilians looked the same? It was pathetic. And the only alien civilians were Ugnaughts. I know they can't store skins for every single species, but there is definately room for improvement. We can have some variety, and of course this would include seeing some of the EU jedi we're familiar with.


Another thing. What if at the academy, how you can talk to people with the new AI system, if you could lightsaber spar with them. It would work similiar to real duels except that when your defeated you fall back, and climb back to your feet.

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Ugh, WHAT Jk3!! There will be NO jk3, god whats wrong with you people? Jk2 isnt even out and your talking about a sequel to a game that hasnt been released? It gets annoying after so many threads >_<. Heh well jk and jk2 are what, 5 years apart? So i wouldnt expect any jk3 any time soon, maybe in 5+ years, maybe. Geez, enough with the jk3 already :rolleyes:

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Guest Hannibal

Tap I think that's what he was trying to say. That the random face and body generation would be down the road (or as you say 5 years). Relax, geez!

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Guest Kurgan

Actually in MotS there were quite a few more civilians than the four characters used in JK (not counting the Ughnaughts of course).


There were various aliens (Rodians, Grans, etc) and StormTroopers (that didn't attack you unless you attacked first), and of course there were droids in both games.


But I agree, the human peds were pretty boring since they were the same four people on every planet and city. At least having different facial skins would be nice in JK2.



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