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Training ground


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Yeah, the idea for a training level was suggested a while ago (quite a while, actually - in fact, maybe on the defunct OWK.Net boards).


I originally thought you could have an assault course type training ground for newbies to get acquainted with all the different moves, how to interact with stuff, how to saber fight, etc.


It would make sense if all that was going on in the Jedi Academy...with Luke telling you off when you make a mistake.


In fact, wouldn't it be kind of fun if you couldn't get your lightsaber back if you don't complete the course? Prove your worthiness, and all. ;)

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Guest Kurgan

The way it was done in UT was really cool I thought. HL's hazard course was nice, but it didn't really train me very well for combat (IMHO).


Of course it's totally different with a game like JK2 that has sabers/force, but training missions, especially if they could be made to appear as part of the story (star warsy) would be really cool. That way even if you were already a master player, you'd still want to play it, just for the atmosphere, etc


Something that really helps you practice sabers/force would be great. Obi-Wan's training section sounded a lot like the one from Jedi Power Battles (DC edition). Pick some characters and fight arena style, and that's about it. I'd rather see something more than that.


Rune had a training level of sorts as the first level of the single player campaign. So without cheating, you couldn't skip past it. It was a "prove your worthiness" type of deal. Of course the learning curve for the game was pretty much flat (at least in MHO, having played games like JK for years prior to that) so it was extremely boring.


I had more fun using cheats to slaughter everyone in my starting village <eg> too bad they didn't try to fight back.


It was really funny how the guys would say "so I see you haven't been to the weapons smith yet" and I was holding the biggest sword and was clearly laided down with weaponry. The guy they had me fight didn't stand a chance.


See in Rune, the training level was REQUIRED, I think it should be optional. You should be able to launch right into the game, but if you feel like playing that first, or if you later need to practice your skills, you could go back to the training, without having to embarrass yourself online.

; )


That's the other thing, there could be multiplayer and single player training, unless the skills were applicable in both areas, then there would only be one section needed.


Having some kind of bonus if you complete it successfully (without cheating) might be nice, but personally I think the only bonus should be the natural learning bonus of having practiced your moves/skills and fun, nothing more.




[ August 31, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Supposedly Kyle gave his saber to Luke. So yes it would make sense that you have to go through some kind of refresher course at the academy before you set out on your missions. It has been 7 years after all.


Also I pretty sure they already said there will be a training mode.

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Perhaps you could start off where kyle is, as an outcast on a mountain or something. Then you might have to go through a sort of moutain obstacle course to find your way to jan who's picking you up or something, and you have to use acrobatic moves to pass certain hazards, and you have no weapons :)


It could even teach you how to run from enemies......

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Perhaps this idea has already been suggested or it may add too much of an RPG element to a FPS but.....

I think it would be kinda cool if he went through a "refresher" course to sharpen his jedi skills. Then the next level would be one of isolation as he looks for crystals for a new lightsaber and choooses a custom grip for it. maybe there could be several varieties of grips and crystals so everyone couls have a personalized lightsaber. Perhaps by discovering secrets maybe you could add to it by making it dual phase so you could have 2 seperate lengths or double sided. The length of the saber would determine your speed and agility with it. Anyone think this a good idea? :eek:

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Guest Kurgan

Hmm, I'm getting some ideas here:


Luke (*places apple on top of nervous Jar Jar's head*):



Luke: "Okay, now stretch out with your feelings..."


Kyle: "I can't see jack #@$(*!!"


Luke: "No, more whiney..."


Kyle: "Ahem, sorry.. But with the blast shield down, I can't even see, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FIGHT?!!"


Luke: "Good, but you still don't quite understand."


Kyle: "I'm blind folded.. apple on Jar Jar's head... hmm... MUHAHAHAHHA!"


Luke: "By George (Lucas) I think he's got it!"


Jar Jar: "Umm, mesa no like dis!!"



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There should be a tree/cave like on Dagobah that enters you into some kind of etherial Jedi dream training setup. Then it would be plausible and anything goes.


You could even behead your opponent only to have his mask explode to reveal your face. Ewwwww scary.

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The coolest beginning for this game would be to start in Nar Shaddaa. It will look awesome with the Quake 3 engine. There should be like a warehouse or something that you could walk into to train with guns and stuff. Then, when you get to Yavin, you could walk around the Temple or forest and train with other Jedi students, practice lightsaber techniques, and learn how to use your Force powers. I think that would be cool.

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