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this is part of my post from the clan recruiting threads that i think aplies on this forum as well:


this game is like nothing else, and it makes me very nostalgic to think of it being too much differant in JK2. i know many of us (including myself) strive to be in the elite group of players online. well, what im trying to say is that when i was in Ancient, it was like my have fun newbie days, just messing around and having good times with online buds. but, when i was in hdk (still am ), it was like my days of striving to get good and be one of the elite players on the zone. and really, those are the two types of players posting here. the have-funs and the competitives. between my have-fun days with ancient, and my competetive days with hdk, i can honestly say i enojyed them both nearly the same, but in very differant ways. there is no right or wrong to this game, it is defanetly IMHO the best game of all time. i hope to expierence the best of both worlds in JK2, whether it be on my own, in a JK2 elite superclan, or just with a group of buds messing around online. if raven can recreate that kind of versatility and fun, i will be more than satisfied. ant btw i hope its on the zone i know it wont be but still.. zone is unmatched in community.. well that is my post.

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for me, the time when I was a newbie and in my own little world, I had the most fun and look back on my old days as a newbie brand new to online gaming. Clanwars, Latency bars indicating player rank and so on..


Elitism sucks, worrying whether your playing in top form or not keeps me and many others from playing. Im really tempted to taking on a new online nick and disapearing into Jk2 blowing off any connections to the old Jedi Knight zone community. The only reason I probably wouldn't would be because I love competing in large team competition matches(with 5 or more people on your team) and the only way I can feel secure about being in a group of people that I know can carry their own weight is to join a tried and tested clan of people with strong aim ,strategy and what not. And to do that requires a name that tried and tested clan knows. :\

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I've never been in a jk clan.

(tho wd (when WD had death still in it, a prime example of someone who played for fun), and bsb asked)

Team play will come from a group of players I know who all luv to play for fun and who can be good at the game still. (agjk, the ng, hence my zone name agjk_bee)

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