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Saber Blocking


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I wonder if the saber blocking will have a button, or will it be auto-block again like JK1. I sure hope they have a button, it could add more strategy. Of course, if they use auto blocking but gave it a wider range to block, I think it could work. But I'm still for the button. I don't want to be down to my last hit, then have to rely on the AI auto-blocking for me. I WANT TOTAL CONTROL!

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Guest Krayt Tion

At first I was going to leave this open but most members have already poured a lot into saber discussion, specifically blocking aspects of the saber here. Some have even expressed similar ideas already.


Yes, I realize that is a crap load to read. It will be worth it, there are some very great ideas currently mentioned and more to come as we evolve this saber discussion.


This was a tough call for me to make because it is important that every one have their say, yet at same time I need to ensure that others are heard by cutting down on redundancy. If you seriously want to discuss saber blocking and help improve the saber in general all of us could benefit from your opinions in a thread of consolidated opinions (mentioned above) so that we might all bounce our ideas off each other. Nothing shall slip through the cracks. Just be sure to read carefully to respect the time others have put into this!

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