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The People's Opinion

Guest ICP Ringmaster

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

ok sorry if this sounds really stupid but I have to do a project for Socail Studies and i'de like to know everyones opinion about the following subjects:



The September 11 tradgety

The Anthrax attcks

What we should do about these things.


(please don't get mad if this sounds crappy)

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Guest Boba Rhett

1. Horrible.

2. Not really scared.

3. Keep more vaccines ready and capture/destroy any group of people that seek to terrorize other people.

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If someone wants to die from anthrax vaccine they are stranger than I thought...Several people have died from it or have suffered VERY severe consequences for taking it...I just hope that our Congress won't be sitting in WheelChairs because they took the vaccine when it wasn't needed...

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Guest Luke Skywalker

1)those lil jacks who did it will pay!

2)Exclaimed by the media as a bigger problem then it is.

Bomb the middle east! and beef up mail procautions.

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Guest Boba Rhett

People have died/been crippled from pretty much every vaccine that's ever been created. Yet you don't seem to be complaining about those. :p


I myself have never been vaccinated. Ever. Not even when I was a child.:)

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Originally posted by ICP Ringmaster

ok sorry if this sounds really stupid but I have to do a project for Socail Studies and i'de like to know everyones opinion about the following subjects:



The September 11 tradgety

The Anthrax attcks

What we should do about these things.


(please don't get mad if this sounds crappy)

1. Saddened :( It sucks that thousands of people had to die the way they did.


2. Not worried about that..yet! Anthrax can easly mutate (on its own or by man) It can be made to withstand Antibotics and Bomb blasts :( Quite scary.


3. We should just be more alert to our suroundings :)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Yes but CNN makes it seem that its totally wide spread and that everyone should be calling in the FBI if they find some white powder. In my town someone called in a Terrorist attack because they found some white substanc BESIDE A FIRE EXTINQUISHER THAT HAD BEEN STOLEN. OMG its doesnt take a genius to fiqure out that the white crap came from the fir extinguisher. Oh guess what turns out it did come from the fire extinguisher. Its beginning to be a case of the boy who cried wolf. Everyone calling everything they see and eventually the feds tell them to shut up and when it really is anthrax they just pass over it.

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Guest Rogue15
Originally posted by Boba Rhett

People have died/been crippled from pretty much every vaccine that's ever been created. Yet you don't seem to be complaining about those. :p


I myself have never been vaccinated. Ever. Not even when I was a child.:)



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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

People have died/been crippled from pretty much every vaccine that's ever been created. Yet you don't seem to be complaining about those. :p


I myself have never been vaccinated. Ever. Not even when I was a child.:)


Yes, but an abnormally high number got sick or died from this vaccine. I has very bad side effects almost always causing at least a mild injury in a person...In fact doctors don't recommend you take this vaccine unless ABSOLUTELY necessary...yes I know that there are others out there like this, but since we are on the subject of anthrax I may as well critisize it...:D

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Guest Gamma732

The anthrax attacks have me just a little worried. I don't live very far from the post office where the letters to NBC and the Senator were post marked. I'm far from panicking, but it is a bit unnerving considering that my mail goes through the same distribution center.

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Guest Tie Guy

1. A horrible tragedy, but not as bad as it could have been. WE should consider ourselves lucky that only that many people were lost. If the attack had come 1 hr later, many more would have died. Also, if the 2 attacks had hit at the same time, as intended, many more in the 2nd tower would have died. The road to recovery will be long, and there is a lot of rubble to clean up, and an even bigger pile emotional damage to mend.


2. A much smaller problem than it is made out to be. 3 billion letters and packages go through the postal system every day. Now, only about 12 or so letters have contained anthrax. Thats not a very high percentage, and is certainly nothing to worry about unless you are of great importance to the country, or are a major public figure. Also, its not like anthrax isn't treatable. Regular anti-biotics, including Penicillen, can treat and destroy the bacteria if caught early enough. Also, anthrax is not contagious, so there is no harm of infecting an entire population.


3. Kill the terrorists or at least scare them into hiding so they can't do anything. Eliminate the Taliban and Sadam so that they won't harbor terrorists. Tighten up security.

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