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Am I in a Star Destroyer.

Vader's Apprentice

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When i finished MotS i was extremly happy and i then got an idea - What if i jk2 you could infiltrate a Star Destroyer that screensht of kyle swiping his blade at a couple of stormies in a Imperial base is pretty cool but at a second look i noticed that it resembled the inside of the bridge on a star destroyer. My Question is is this a star destroyer that hes in and if so will you be able to get on board other Imperial Ships such as Landing Craft? If not, Perhaps this is a good idea for an expansion or if there will be a jk3. :D

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i think it would also be very, very cool, but star distroyers are so vastly huge, and all the cool parts are so spread out, i wonder how it would be done? there are ove a km. long. if Raven could come up with a great way to do it i would be eternally gratefull!! i just cross my fingers and hope...

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What Tap said! (But nicer) You really should start a new site or something. It could be called Jediknightiii.net! Then you could talk about it in your forums. We hardly know anything about JKII at the moment, so do you think we could just keep it like that for now?

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