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Requesta-force: what do u want??


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Funny, I thought it was often HARDER to aim while jumping constantly.


I played most of my saber duels without jumping, now that I think about it.


Not that the strategy doesn't sometimes work, but in general, simple footwork suffices (even without neutral force).



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Originally posted by Rogue15:

<STRONG>i want force control, like being able to get in the enemy's mind (first person view from enemy's perspective) and perhaps, shoot his partner, or make him walk right past you, or off a cliff. That'd be cool.</STRONG>


Go and look at Requiem: Avenging angel. The games was quite good, and it copied a lot of JK's force powers, but it had some quite cool ones of it's own. Namely:


Bullet time ;) - sorry. but it did have it first, and it was cool at the time, before i got fed up with it.


Shield - just gave a second or 2 of a shield in front of you. great for jumping out from behind corners. (might work a bit like vader blocking han's laser blast.


Possession - allowed you to control enemies (as above). Was pretty cool. Best bit was the aninmation of you "emerging" from the body afterwards though (guess you wouldn't have that in JK)


Persuasion - my fave power. get about 5 or six grunts running around after you providing supporting fire or working as a huuman shield. (anyone remember Syndicate?? :D )


Blood boil, turn to salt. Both very cool... but i guess not very jedi like...


there were loads of others... can't seem to remember...


Maybe having puzzle soultions including possesing enemies to open doors, turn 2 distant switches at almost the same time etc... (a little like messiah.. but not so full on).


The force thing i didn't really like in JK (sp especially) was force heal... it reduced the game to a stop start affair as you fought, then waited to get enough mana to heal yourself, then fought again. And it made you almost invincible... but very boring. Not really sure how to get around it (except maybe by removing it.)

Maybe instead have the civilians you meet offer to heal you if you haven't been slaughtering them. That would give an advantage to staying on the light side (to counter our evil tendancies ;) )


Of course i suppose a dark jedi could just "persude" them to heal him... but it would mean he would have to use mana and still mean he would have to progress through the game, rather than hiding, waiting and healing himself after every battle.



PS/ also wanted: Team Force Powers... as discussed in detail a long time ago (and maybe in a OB1 forum far, far away..)

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