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Too much realism?


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Stormhammer:So get posting already!

As soon as Jedi Knight 2 was announced, me and a few friends decided we are gonna make a Total Conversion provided Raven and Lucasarts allow editing (actually I'm praying for it,heh).


We have a site we are toying with, but we won't launch it until LA officially announces the availibility of editing.


It will be based on Luke Skywalker and will span around 30 years (yup, we have BIG plans!) We have all been doing a ton of research too make it as close to the Star Wars universe as possible. It won't consist solely of events that really took place and the new story elements we are adding are really starting to get interesting.


Of course one thing holding us back is not knowing JK2's story yet.


ANYWAY, we have many original ideas for levels, cutscenes, and everything in general that will make this seem like anything BUT a game. Basically we are bored with what is considered "the norm" for most levels in most FPS'ers. I can assure you we have ideas that I haven't seem in FPS'ers. Which finally brings me to my point.


I would post some ideas but we have what I consider good original ideas, and we would like to suprise people with them. You'll just have to wait a few years! :D

But I promise we will deliver if editing is allowed, no matter how long it takes. ;)


We are certainly not getting serious at all about this until we get the word, but it doesn't hurt to plan ahead. If anyone is interested in hearing more or possibly interested in helping drop me an e-mail @... roncoallstar@aol.com

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Originally posted by SlowbieOne:


As soon as Jedi Knight 2 was announced, me and a few friends decided we are gonna make a Total Conversion provided Raven and Lucasarts allow editing (actually I'm praying for it,heh). </STRONG>


Oh, so standard jk2s NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU, eh? :p

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Originally posted by SlowbieOne:

I would post some ideas but we have what I consider good original ideas, and we would like to suprise people with them. You'll just have to wait a few years! :D

But I promise we will deliver if editing is allowed, no matter how long it takes. ;)


Fair enough. ;)


As I said before, there is a lot of good material in these forums for the mod-making community already, and no doubt a lot more that hasn't been discussed.


Good luck with your TC...I just hope it doesn't infringe any copyrights, or you might find it being shut down before you've really started. :(

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I never said it wasn't good enough Gonk! Don't be a h8ter! :)


We simply want to add to what will already be one of the best games ever.


Stormhammer:Good luck with your TC...I just hope it doesn't infringe any copyrights, or you might find it being shut down before you've really started.


Thanks for the vote of confidence Stormhammer. I was under the impression that since we would be making a Star Wars game within a Star Wars game, there would be no infringement if editing was legal. Is there something I might be overlooking? :confused:


[ October 12, 2001: Message edited by: SlowbieOne ]

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Originally posted by SlowbieOne:

Thanks for the vote of confidence Stormhammer. I was under the impression that since we would be making a Star Wars game within a Star Wars game, there would be no infringement if editing was legal. Is there something I might be overlooking? :confused:


Let us all assume that editing and mod-making will be allowed for JK2. Let us also assume that the game will come with it's own editor, and a variety of skins and alien models (particularly for MP, I would imagine).


Let us even assume that one of the models available will be Luke (who you hinted would be a focus of your mod).


All of those things are copyrighted...but if JK2 allows mod-making, then you should be able to freely use most of the game's content, including textures, to make mods - as long as you only use whatever editor comes with JK2. That is pretty standard. By granting you the ability to make mods, they are effectively granting you the use of the game's standard content within those mods - along with any of your own, original artwork/creations.


Now let's say you want to use a readily identifiable character model that does not come as part of JK2...a character that may be critical to the mod you want to make. If that character is not included in the content of JK2, it's copyright technically would remain outside of the context of the game. Therefore, to use that character, you would need to seek permission to model/skin it.


The same rule really applies to any specific model/skin from the Star Wars universe that is not included in the game.


If you can make your mod using only the content in the game, plus any of your own original art/models etc., there should not be a problem.


Hope that helps. ;-)

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