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For LucasArts - Joint Dark Horse Comics/Berkeley "Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast" Books


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One of the best Dark Forces products made were the book trilogy published jointly by DHC/Berkeley and the high-quality audio dramatization which accompanied it. The original three Dark Forces books:

Dark Forces: Soldier of the Empire

Dark Forces: Rebel Agent

Dark Forces: Jedi Knight


These books went a long way to endearing the whole Kyle Katarn mythos to the Star Wars saga than just as a game series.


I think it's almost a requirement that Jedi Knight II also have a series to go with it, done in a similar manner.


As the fall of Katarn in MotS seems to have weighed heavily on his decision to put up his saber, as well as the fact that he's Mara Jade's Jedi Master in that game, it can be the Jedi Outcast book prequel. That is, combine those events with the background information of Jedi Outcast to perhaps make a duology:

Dark Forces: Jedi Outcast (covers MotS and the events leading up to JKII:JO)

Dark Forces: Jedi Dawn (covers the actual game of JKII:JO)


Well, I've rambled on enough. Really, my question is are there plans to do the (illustrated) novel adaptation of the new game, and if not, then why not?

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I won't argue with you there, Genghis. The books were good, especially for filling in some gaps in the storyline.


I'd really like to see more of them. ;)


Even if the hardback editions are no longer available, I'd still recommend the paperback editions. I guess I was lucky to get them in HC.

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For anyone that's interested...if you're looking to get the books, and you're just getting blank looks, here are the ISBN numbers for the hardcover versions to help your search...


Star Wars: Dark Forces: Soldier For The Empire...ISBN 0-399-14198-7


Star Wars: Dark Forces: Rebel Agent...ISBN 0-399-14396-3


Star Wars: Dark Forces: Jedi Knight...ISBN 0-399-14452-8


Happy hunting. ;)

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Lucky, :p:D

I registered less than a month after you did, but I mostly lurk. I come here when I'm really, really stumped about a Dark Forces/Kyle Katarn/Jedi Knight issue. Unfortunately, in the few times it's happened ;) , I wasn't able to get absolute answers here :( I guess it's a testament to the level of difficulty in uncovering my issues. Btw, haven't seen you around at TF.N in a while, if you;re the same lucky?


Ash (RF)...

Hey - good to see you here. Yeah, we get around a whole lot.


Well, I guess no one knows the "official word" on this matter yet. I guess I'll try Dark Horse Comics directly.

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Unfortunately, I just got the official word regarding the possibility of a Jedi Outcast book at this time.


I specifically asked [link=http://www.darkhorse.com/community/boards/topic.tpl?_messageID=16833151014209]Dark Horse Comics[/link] about the matter and got a response.


Official response by Dark Horse Comics Editor, Dave Land to the question, "Does Dark Horse Comics have plans to do the next "Dark Forces" book adapting the new LucasArts game, Dark Forces II: Jedi Outcast:"


DL: Sorry, no plans for this at the moment...

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For those having an interest in seeing such a thing, it always helps to show support.


Follow the link:




To where you can make your feelings known about such an adaptation. After the high quality of the prior Dark Forces books, I almost can't see releasing a Kyle Katarn game without one now. :(

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