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No Force


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yeah...but you don't have any midichloreans... ;)


basically the idea is that the force talks to you... but if you are busy crashing around FOrce-destructing, lightning bolting and doing other OTT force things (like seems to happen quite often in the EU novels) then you drown out the will of the force with all the force noise you are making...


theorectially, if there is no difference between a rock and luke's ship, then there is no difference between luke's ship and, say, the death star... and so yoda should just be able to do things like send the death star hurtling across the galaxy in a giant game of planet pool. but he doesn't, he jsut leads a simple life in a small hut with icky stew. :)


i think it was partly a get out clause in the novels, because some of the force-feats that had started to be performed were getting a bit silly, and they wanted to reduce them to a more sensible level, and have luke cut down on his force usage a bit...

(they folow it up by saying almost eveything he has done in the novels.. Jedi Academy, vader's fortress etc.. was a mistake.. ;) )


so if kyle has been off doing a yoda (complete with swamp, hut and icky stew) then he might be in a better position to sense a new disturbance in the force than all the other nu-metal-jedi who are running around doing big forcey-things...


i am sure yoda could have explained it better...

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The way I see it, the reason Raven is probably doing this (ie: starting you out with NO FORCE POWERS) is so that they can ease newbies (those who have never played JK or MotS) into the use of force powers.


Thus they twist the story around that idea so it makes more sense. Still I think it's kind of lame. But it could still work. But it sounds more like they're re-creating JK. Slowly build up more and more force, so you basically go from zero to 1000 miles per hour in 20 hours (or however long it takes to beat the game). I just hope the force power progression is paced well, if they're going to do it this way.



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