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Originally posted by TherosB

Which is better Gforce 3 or Radeon 8500 ....I heard that the Radeons are getting better....which would you get?


General Theros


That's all still up in the air really. Radeon's are cheaper and theoretically have more power... but nVidia makes some killer drivers for their GF3's.


Over Thanksgiving, Best Buy was selling Geforce 3 Ti200's for $99 after rebate. Talk about a pretty sweet buy for under $100 ;)

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Originally posted by Millions o' Monkeys

damn right there. And whats this with geforce 4. Im sure it will be out eventually but not for at leasr 6 months.


Or am i wrong ??? :confused:


if they stay with their product cycle, expect the geforce 4 in lat feb to early april 2002.


Nvidia cycle goes like this


first quarter new product (geforce, geforce2, geforce3, geforce4)


3rd quarter upgrade exsisting line(geforce256(ddr), geforce2MX/ultra, geforce3 ti 200/500)


so every year they release a brand new product followd 6 months later by an upgrade to that products line.


From what iver read and heard they are right on track for the geforce4. About time too my geforce3 is getting slow :fett::deathstar

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1. Unreal II has some amazing outdoor areas, as well as SWG.


2. I wonder if the GeForce 4 will simply be a really fast, new, 256-bit GPU, or a next-generation 512-bit GPU? 'Cause a 512-bit GPU would totally knock off ALL competition.


3. Sure, the Radeon 8500 could theoretically have more power than the GeForce 3 Ti 500. You can say the Voodoo 2 *theoretically* has more power than the GeForce 3 Ti 500, but it simply has nothing near it. ATI cheated on their benchmarks by putting performance cheats in their drivers. I wouldn't count on anything from them having potential.

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Originally posted by Emon1

1. Unreal II has some amazing outdoor areas, as well as SWG.


2. I wonder if the GeForce 4 will simply be a really fast, new, 256-bit GPU, or a next-generation 512-bit GPU? 'Cause a 512-bit GPU would totally knock off ALL competition.


3. Sure, the Radeon 8500 could theoretically have more power than the GeForce 3 Ti 500. You can say the Voodoo 2 *theoretically* has more power than the GeForce 3 Ti 500, but it simply has nothing near it. ATI cheated on their benchmarks by putting performance cheats in their drivers. I wouldn't count on anything from them having potential.


well...even now the geforce3 isnt 256bit. it has 4 64 bit memory paths in a cross-bar switched architecture.


expect the same thing out of the geforce4 only the memory will be alot fast...from what they are saying it will run in the 600-650 mhz range.


Add to that the addition of 2 more pixel pipes, a die shrink(.13 micron) and a rumored speed increase (300ish mhz) and you have one screamin fast board.


300 mhz x 6 pixel pipes = 1800 smoking fast


right now its 250 x 4 pixel pipes = 1000


i forget if is gigatexels or megatexels:fett:

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

With my old 32Mb Geforce 2 and a PII 233Mhz I could run Quake III best graphics fine.


Different people have different thresholds as to what they classify as "fine". I classify "fine" in 3d gaming terms as 60fps +. I don't consider anything running at below 30fps to actually be running at all. I somehow doubt a P233 could run Q3 in high detail at 60fps. After all, if memory serves me correctly, a P233 was the minimum requirement for Q3.

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Originally posted by Kwup

my PII 400 128(at the time) Mb RAM w/ a Voodoo3 could run quake 3, w/ full everything at 1024x768.


Avg FPS = 62


*me raises the BS flag*


i just cant buy that man.....maybe alone looking at a wall. But not in a full server.



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Originally posted by Kwup

ever hear of WickedGL?


yes but it still cant turn water into wine.....maybe pepsi to coke, but not water to wine.


not on that cpu not on that gfx card its just not happening.


for instance reference this old article




thats an athlon 750 and a voodoo3 3000 agp. On normal settings the v3 cant even crack 50fps at 1024x768...an athlon 750!


granted that isnt wickedGL but that is 350mhz more cpu power.

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Originally posted by aferens


Uhh, that would be a GF2 MX.


xbox has a , according to them that is, "highly moddified" geforce3. Its supposed to be very specialized for the console specifically.


Supposedley more powerful than the PC geforce3 *shrug* :fett:

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Originally posted by Kwup

Geforce3 = $300 (200 if they get a real good deal from Nvidia)


Xbox = $300 (includes a lot of plastic, controller, the cables, and all the electrical fan etc...)





I seriously doubt Xbox has a GF3


i promise you its a gf3. halo as an example takes advantage of the vertex/pixel shaders that only the gf3 series has.


also, a motherboard + 64 megs ddr = about 100 dollars.


a p3 733mhhz is about 80.


so....what else? 1 controller...costs about 10 bucks to make.


the posh looking xbox....box costs at least 20 probably morelike 50dollars per unit.


a dvd drive is what....80 bucks?


so without the graphics care we have

100 motherboard and memory

80 for the p3

10 bux for the controller

50 lets say for the plastic box

80 for the dvd drive


320 thats 320 so far.....thats not counting the gf3 plus the shipping costs and other odds n ends.


M$ is losing big money per console right now.

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