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Future Plans (Staff Please Read)

Guest Celestial

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Guest Celestial

What are your future plans for this site? Regarding community features once the game is released? Here are a few that I suggest;


1) A demo section allowing players to upload their pub/match demos.


2) Clan hosting


3) Exclusive scripts/files pertaining to the game.


When I think of more I'll let you know.


Thank you.


- Cel

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1) Good idea, but we can't have everyone mindlessly uploading demo's of things they find funny or good. I guess we'll have to see as the game gets closer.


2) I'm not sure about clan hosting. I'm pretty sure it's a possibility, but again, we can't have everyone being hosted here. It would have to be a very professional looking clan with a spiffy page, i'd imagine.


3) I think having a selection of levels, mods, and other edits would greatly benifit to the traffic on this site. Currently, massassi is pretty much the only source for jk maps and mods. If this site were to be more massassi-ish, in the way of offering...... stuff....... it might help the community. Not that we'll need more people with the amount we're gonna have here. :)

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Originally posted by GonkH8er:

<STRONG>1) Good idea, but we can't have everyone mindlessly uploading demo's of things they find funny or good. I guess we'll have to see as the game gets closer.


2) I'm not sure about clan hosting. I'm pretty sure it's a possibility, but again, we can't have everyone being hosted here. It would have to be a very professional looking clan with a spiffy page, i'd imagine.


3) I think having a selection of levels, mods, and other edits would greatly benifit to the traffic on this site. Currently, massassi is pretty much the only source for jk maps and mods. If this site were to be more massassi-ish, in the way of offering...... stuff....... it might help the community. Not that we'll need more people with the amount we're gonna have here. :)</STRONG>


1) Easy solution: hire a person to go through the demos and pick out the good/bad


2)Clan hosting is a great idea, if you ask me


3) I say keep massassi as the map place, and JKII.net the community place

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Without getting into too much detail (as most of the details are not ironed out yet), in terms of the future, Massassi and LGN may be working more closely with one another in regards to the new game.


But don't quote me on that, we'll have to wait and see how it all works out. Still, I'm optimistic at this point.


Suffice to say, content like that that benefits the community and encourages user support is what we're after, and we'd be on the lookout for quality of course.



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Guest Celestial

Its nice to see you guys thinking about it. Demos are easy like RaoK said, its what they do over at tribalwar and it seems to work.


Clan hosting is for those that are well organized (website, full roster, etc) and are competing on a ladder. See tribalwar's details about clan hosting.


The only thing I can say about files is that if you want this site to become the main hub for jedi outcast and the community of players, then you really need to consider doing it "all" I only come to this site, when I do I expect to get everything I need rather than searching around on other sites. That's what makes tribalwar brilliant. However, most of the mod makers and mappers are linked with Tribalwar and are promoted there. So its easy it navigate.


Thank you.


[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: Celestial ]

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I think JKII.net should be and is more news oriented, while Massassi already had the space and database stuff for levels and mods. Not to mention and unbeatable JK source already there.

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