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TrueForm in Jedi II


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ATI's new TrueForm technology can be implemented into any PC game and increase the polygons by a a factor of 10 without a drop in performance. And the chip will realease this summer. What's the point of getting a GeForce3 when all my old games like X-wing Alliance & even JK will have 10X more detail... there's NO WAY I'm getting a card from nVidia if it doesn't have a similar feature...


Take a look...

...and consider what this feature will do to Jedi II + all your present and future 3D games:



ATI's Truform revealed

ATI Trueform technology


[ June 07, 2001: Message edited by: Xzalibur ]

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Guest SithSeeD

hmmmm... I'll have to try and get one of those from my cousin. She works for ATI... maybe I could get a deal or get one free.


SithSeeD :mad:

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Guest Jolts

Sounds cool, but is I would think adding all those extra polys would screw up the textures on the models making them funky looking. But maybe not, I want to see some textured examples

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sweet. cool. a gimmick. dont make me delve into why the GeForce 3 will stomp all over this card without even blinking.
We'll just have to wait and see then...


But in my opinion the GeForce3 is too expensive & older games will still look like they did on older cards...


Jolts >> I've seen that dolphine picture with textures aswell... I'll see if I can find that picture. The tuexture and lighting looked much better with TruForm although the original texture was pretty poor to begin with...

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Guest Jolts

Xzalibur try and find a human face that is textured, the dolphin seems like it would have a pretty simple texture on it that wouldn't show that much is it was warped

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Guest Sherack Nhar

In the Gamespot article, it is said that if the technology is ever implemented for older games on the drivers, it's going to need a little registry hack.


Trueform is outstanding technology, but ATi is just no match for NVIDIA's hype machine. :mad:


As far as being implemented in JK2, don't keep your hopes up. Don't forget that they only have a year to finish it. :(

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Well I found the dolphine picture. As I said it's crappy and we all know that 10X more detail on a crappy object is still going to look bad:

Dolphine picture


Example of the increased amount of triangels in a dolphine picture

Xzalibur try and find a human face that is textured, the dolphin seems like it would have a pretty simple texture on it that wouldn't show that much is it was warped

TruForm doesn't acctually change the textures - it just increases the amount of triangels in 3D models so the textures will look just fine. There isn't any pictures of human faces with TrueForm on the Net to my knowledge... but it will probably surface soon...


There's also an interview with ATI that might interest you: ATI's TRUFORM with David Nalasco


Sherack Nhar >> The feature can be implemented in drivers for all games and/or in adding one simple line of code to the game...


[ June 07, 2001: Message edited by: Xzalibur ]

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Gimmick. Sorry, but just imagine what adding smoothing would do to something that was supposed to have defined hard edges. On the other hand, maybe there is something that they haven't said yet about how it might be smart and only smooth certain things, but that just sounds like a crapshoot. I'm not saying NVidia is da bomb either, but I think the GeForce3 is in some ways a big step in the right direction. As for ATI, at least they are better than the old 3Dfx voodoo3 garbage.


In the end though, everyone freaks about graphics and very few people seem to really care about quality gameplay. Fortunately though, I think many people on this message board may be the exception to that rule. So if we start pressing the devs to get stuff in the game, let's press them to make stellar gameplay ( hint, hint ).


[ June 07, 2001: Message edited by: Rancor ]

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Firstly, GeForce3 will make old games look better, it has basically free FSAA, and will run them in higher resolutions, at higher bitdepths...


As for TrueForm, what use is it when you have high poly source art :D?

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Guest Thrawn

1.I'm cheap

2.I'm saving up for a new CPU, motherboard, and memory

3.I'm happy with my Geforce DDR with the latest set of drivers. Gameplay is what matters most. As long as I have a smooth frame rate, I'm fine.

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Originally posted by Jolts:

Xzalibur try and find a human face that is textured
I've found two small pictures from a demo running on the current Radeon board. TrueForm is implemented in software so it will be much faster on the real card (probably 10 times) and it'll most likely look even better:



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I don't like the way ATi puts extra lighting on the higher-poly models. Tru-From doesn't do anything for that. False advertising if you ask me.


Nah, it's not adding any extra lighting. Since the one model is so low poly, it doesn't really pick up the hi-lights properly. As soon as you add ten times as many verticies, if you are doing vertex based lighted ( which most games would use for in-game models )...the results just naturally look more realistic/pronounced.

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