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When Han said to Jabba "You're a wonderful human being" he did it because Jabba is neither a human being nor wonderful. i.e. SARCASM.


A Nerf-herder herds Nerfs. They are food. It is basically a sheperd.


Also, to go back to the original topic, eye defects in the SW universe could probably fixed by bacta or cybernetics, or the aforementioned laser surgery.

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Just look at Booster Terrik, one of his eyes is a glowing red cybernetic ala Terminator. The thing is that Star Wars Tech is really advanced, and, don't they just look really cool without glasses. Think about it.


Officer: "Your Taun Taun will freeze to death before you reach the first marker."


Han nervously pushing glasses up on the bridge of his nose: "Then I'll see you in hell. That is I'll see you if I could just get these darned glasses to stay on." :)


So, lets say they look cool and leave it at that.

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