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St Vs.SW


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Guest Vagabond

IronTitan, you're free to believe what you want, as am I. Me, I believe what I can directly observe, not necessarily what someone wrote down in a book.


Let's take Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. At the climax of the show a torpedo is specially modified to home in on the cloaked Klingon Bird of Prey. The torpedoe slowly circles until it gets a lock, and then destroys the ship.


Look at any of the Star Trek shows and you'll observe similar effects. Phasers are more "speed-of-light" weapons, while torpedoes are slower.


Believe what you want, but if torpedoes are warp-capable, then phasers are still somehow faster. The proof's in the pudding. If you're not going to believe your own eyes, then what will you believe? ;)

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The Sun Crusher was a stupid weapon, just another superweapon created in that otherwise good series to try and make it more interesting the easy way.


You can't really compare SW and ST. The Phaser was made up, so how can you say it's better than the laser. How do you know in SW they didn't upgrade the laser in a different way but decide to still call it the laser for simplicity? To know which was better, you'd really have to make George Lucas and whoever started ST to get together and intertwine the universes. Otherwise, you don't know what's what. Besides, who cares who would win in a fight. It's all a matter of opinion with which you like better, so don't argue about it. So, hopefully that's all settled. ;)

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i believe the torpedoe already hit the target and we're just seeing old light that hasn't reached our eyes yet :p


still, i'd over look some errors and have faith in the producers =) after all, what would they use in warp-speed chases its not like they could use phasers(which are limited by lightspeed) - it'd be like peeing into a windtunnel thats blowing your way

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Guest SithSeeD

As far as I know. Phasers on the scale of ships, not hand held phasers, are much more powerful. Phasers are a concentrated beams of energy. Blasters are bolts of energy. Thus phasers should be more powerful.


When was the last time you saw a blaster vaporize someone.


SithSeeD :mad:

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Guest Kettch

Maan, the LASER in SW are just called LASER, it's not the WEAK laser here on earth, its a concentrated coherent pack of energy wich is fired. Even a X-Wings laser is as strong as the Phaser.


SW is MUCH SUPERIOR to ST in ALL categories.

with Hyperspace capability you are able to travel trough the galaxy in Weeks! If u use WARP technology, you would need DECADES!


Photon Torpedos are less weaker than Turbolasers, few Turbolaser shots would destroy the entire Enterprise!

SW Shields are a lot more stronger than ST ones...


There is a comparsion at this site



There was one




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Guest Kettch

that comparision is related to complex science... very interesting and hard to understand, but u'll see for example that the strenght of the SW shields are much superior to the ST shields, there are some examples why it is so (e.g. movies and series...)


Believe me, SW ownz ST :cool:

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laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. I assume that Phaser stands for PHotonic Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Being that light and photons are the same, I would say so are lasers and phasers.

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I may be mistaken, but I remember reading in a Star Wars source guide of some sort that there "lasers" were actually plasma. Plasma is a gas heated to an extremely high tempertaure, even hotter thatn the sun, to release pure energy. It would be far more destructive that a laser, only copper can contain it. That is why Star Wars guns have energy cells. They are filled with gas, each shot heats the gas to a very high temperature for a very short time to realease the plasma. Some gases have stronger plasma properties, such as the green tibanna gas plasma. I don't know, I guess I really am a nerd, I've got nothing better to do than talk about ST vs. SW... which Star Wars would control. ok. done. :D

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i looked it up in the Star Trek Encyclopedia and phaser is a acronym for 'PHASed Energy Rectification' therefore not neccesarily lasers - and in any case it wouldn't make any sense to use Phasers as opposed to Lasers(which the first few star trek episodes used) if Lasers were more powerful. Now if lasers are plasma thats a diff story.. however nothing regenerative ablative armor can't handle.


all arguments over phasers + photon torpedoes i'd like to direct attention to the fact that the federation has regenerative ablative hull armor and transphasic torpedoes..


a star destroyers engages a federation starship w/ its regen. ablative armor on. turbolasers hammer at the federation ship's hull which burns away carrying the energy off leaving the ship underneath unharmed - and the armor that was just evaporated suddenly reapears. whatever dent the star destroyer makes in the federation star ship's hull refuses to stay! thats how the regen. ablavtive armor works(given to the federation courstesy of people from the federation's future). and then i go onto Transphasic Torpedoes - these aren't Photon Torpedoes or Quantum Torpedoes - Photons + Quantum torps don't even begin to approach Transphasic Torpedoes(also given to the U.S.S. Voyager courtesy of future federation members). Voyager engaged 3 borg cubes on its way to a transwarp hub - the 3 borg cubes(near equivlants to Death Stars themself(not in size but in power)) couldn't touch Voyager and when the cubes tractored Voyager thus slowing it down, Voyager shattered them with a few transphasic torpedoes. Now if a transphasic torpedo can dispatch a Cube with such ease like that, I don't see how a Star Destroyer stands any better chance.

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Guest Vagabond

No, he's talking about the series finale of Voyager. Be careful not to label as "techno-babble" any argument that shows Star Trek tech as more powerful than Star Wars tech. Doing so just makes one appear to not want to listen to the facts.


Again, I prefer Star Wars, but I believe that Star Trek ships, one-to-one, would defeat Star Wars counterparts.

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Oh technology only.

I see, 'cause ST / SW technology is grounded in science fact not fantasy.? ;)


So instead of sicking Q on somebody, Just launch a Genesis device at whoever comes lookin' fer trouble.


Or warp back in time and destroy the SW universe before the Cave Jedi get to sharp with the force.


Or just send one of the unlimited supply of probes with the special functions that just fits the situation of the moment perfectly. Maybe loaded with a bunch of nanoprobes that infests Darth Vaders underpants and makes him choke his entire crew out of frustration with the uncomfortable itch.


Or maybe just set the deflector screen or warp core to emit a super-duper transphasic poly-elastic gonzomatic megahyper beam. That'll really teach them. :p


Man them jawas better look out. The SW universe doesn't stand a chance after Rick Berman figures out how to deal with them.

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Guest Vagabond

Maybe loaded with a bunch of nanoprobes that infests Darth Vaders underpants and makes him choke his entire crew out of frustration with the uncomfortable itch.


Mega LOL!!!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest ZeroXcape

I think we've heard this argument quite a bit :|


I'm convinced that you could put Luke, Darth, and let's say... Rukh up against any three trekkies - you know who'd win...

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would the jedi be able to use jedi mind tricks on the borg? that would be somthing to see. What if the borg get into the SSD and then we'd have a bunch of borged out stormtroopers.


But for once i have to agree with Torment.... (bah!) Its all a matter of opionion. Their really 2 totally different things.

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Guest Vagabond

After a welcome dose of reality, I've realized that this thread is in no way even remotely JKII-related.


Initiating the thread garbage collector - destination: Yoda's Swamp.

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