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Other than Quake III engine?


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I would choose the Unreal II engine, but that aint finished yet, so i would probably choose the Unreal Touranment engine. The problem with the Unreal II engine is that you would need one hell of a PC to run it. If the estiamted specs to run SOF2 at its best are a P4 1.5Ghz, then the Unreal 2 engine to run it at its best will probably be a 2Ghz system :eek: . Heres a link to the Unreal 2 site so that you can look at the screenshots and be blown away.......

Unreal 2 Site


[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: CaptainRAVE ]

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Guest Vagabond

My choices, in order of preference are:


1. Unreal II Engine

2. Unreal Tournament Engine


I've always liked the Unreal engine better, is it looks great, and seems easier to configure, in my opinion.

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Unreal engine, bah, q3 engine is easier to mod, which means BIG mod community. And we all know how far modders can edit the original source code, add diffrent things in the future etc. But the q3 engine is were its at, best so far, im glad they selected the q3 engine, im hoping to see tons of maps and mods. Not just mods with a few diffrent sabers, force powers and skins, i mean mods with diffrent features,animations, and hopefully entire stories for single player. These are the kinda mods you expect for the q3 engine. I expect mods like these, why?, if you've seen or played a good q3 mod/tc before, then you'd know why. :cool:

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Why havnt so many gamers used the Unreal Tournament engine......because it isnt as good as the Quake 3 engine. OK, the UT engine had better graphics, but the Q3 engine is easier to enhance as we've seen with JO and Quake 3 Team Arena. I dont think anyone will use the Unreal 2 engine. It is sooooo good they will never let anyone use it :)

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Guest Kurgan

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Unreal engine (UT used a modified version) have more games to date that use it than the Q3 engine?


Let me see...




Unreal (and the Na Pali expansion), Unreal Tournament, Deus Ex, Rune (and Halls of Valhala expansion), Klingon Honor Guard, and the forthcoming Duke Nukem Forever.



[Quake 3]


Quake 3 Arena (and Team Arena Expansion), American McGee's Alice, Star Trek Voyager Elite Force, and the forthcoming Soldier of Fortune 2 and Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast.


Did I miss any?


Incidentally, CR, I have to disagree. I think you've got it backward. I think more games use Unreal based engines, and that the Unreal based engines are easier to modify (for would-be mod makers) than Q3 based engines. At least that's the general consenus of people I've talked to who have worked with both.


Now as to which is easier for the actual developers, that's anyone's guess... and I think the Q3 engine is capable of better graphics, the Unreal engine just has more of a reputation for it, and has been refined over the years.




[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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I dont think the UT engine was really designed for making advancements. They got it right when it came out and never really planned to make it better. IM really looking forward to Unreal 2 though. Looks AWSOME. Reminds me of Outcast (not Jedi Outcast) in a way. The game that when it came out for maximum graphics needed a P3 600.....only problem was, at the time we didnt have P3 600s :)

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