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Reasons why the Lightsaber Needs to be Made Respectable


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You can guide the sabre I believe, like the missiles from hl dm.


I never actually noticed a difference in speeds in jk, or quake games between running backwards and forwards.. if there is one its not exploitable.. I know my good ole tactic of running backwards when gaunlet v gaunleting people in q3 works fine..


which if I had even a mg I could cut the other guy to peices..(specially as you can bunny hop backwards)

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I figure the lightsaber worked just as well as it needed to. At long range, I could deflect the concussion rifle shots back or just dodge them (hopefully without a wall behind me!) For close range, a bit of force pull and my opponent was unarmed, and I could slice them up as I please. If you set up your keyboard right, you can dodge and force-pull on your opponent at the same time.


The only weapons that took me out consistantly at range were a) from attackers I didn't know about or b) from the seeking rail shots for the rail detonator. And if your opponent is sniping near a cliff edge, a little "push" is all they need in MotS.


My standard tactics were to use force invisibility and force sight most of the time. With invisibility I could hide from anyone without sight (at least long enough to get a good attack or two in) and with force sight I could find anyone, anywhere. (That over-the-screen map was really handy for that!)

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