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What Forcepowers would you like to see


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It doesn't but it could be an option. OPTION. The SW galaxy appeals to everybody, kids and adults. It can't be graphic, but in my opinion the galaxy is TOO clean and we should have options. I'm all for FORCE-USING and SABER-USING OPTIONS. The saber in JK sucked, but it'll probably be better now.


As for froce powers, I see some people are missing Dark force powers, so for the Sith lovers here are some nice force powers that if aren't in tha game could be made into a mod:


Force Holocaust- When you die, the whole level blows up and kills everybody. When the smoke clears everything is heavily damaged and everybody dead.


Force Maim- Rips your opponents apart limb by limb.


Force Storm- Throws you enemy around and smashes him.


Force Agony- Your enemy explodes


Force Brimstone- Your enemy bursts into flames.

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I say put in a bunchy of Forces. You could have options to limit like "Movie powers only" or "No Force" or "Full Force". Put in a HUGE variety, like "Force meteor shower." That way the game would have a huge replay value. One day you could play NF then FF then movie style. And I say make saber throw very effective, and easy to retrieve. That way saberists could stand up against the Canyon Oasis Concussion Rifle Jumper/Gunners. :D

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I would like to see...


Force Destruction

Force Deadly Sight


Force Grip

Force Push

Force Levaite



It just isnt Star Wars without FOrce powers and they help get rid of those Annoying pests.


Force Grip helps ya feel the Death of the victim and I like that and Iam sure everyone else likes that as well.

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wutang,no need to spam,we heard your un-starwars like ideas,i say you go play cs or some other stupid bloody game,if that gets you off. All your posts have been kinda dumb and unstarwars related. simple solution,dont use force,dont play force games,no need to keep posting saying "sabers suck" "force is annoying".

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What you have to be careful of when creating new force powers is they have a place in the setting. ie the SW universe. I'm all for a plethora of force powers but as well as being balanced they must fit. Something like force Holocaust pretty much speaks for itself, but others like levitation suggested by darth vader are a little tricky.


While it sounds like fun it probably would be too slow to be practical as there is already jump. Also levitate sounds too much like a spell from an RPG, remember to be new an exiting the force powers cant just be rip offs of spells from other games, as force brimstone, another suggestion from wutang sounds like. Brimstone belongs in a pure fantasy universe complete with spells like metor shower.

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Force Powers

Done To A Object Or Person(offensive)

Force Blast-A light blast of force energy, injures but does not inflict pain(a la Yun)

Force Push-Push opponents of cliffs or into walls,aswell as objects

Force Lightning-A blue to white bolt of lightning

Force Pull-Pull people or objects towards you

Force Incinerate-Used almost exclusive by the dark side,the target burts into flames and isroasted to a crisp

Force Blinding-A wild force ability that blinds your target from the force for up to 2 hours

Minipulate-Telekinetics,that's all, nothing big

Force Mass Push-Push a large group of people over cliffs and fly long distances

Force Chain Lightning-Let loose a bolt of lightning and watch it hit multiple opponents

Force Wave-A twister of force compresses,and explodes in a massive wave

Force Death Sight-Everything living you see slowly burns

Force Throw-Throw debris,loose objects,and people into your target

Force Grip-Choke your enemies until they fall,in the case of the light side till they run

Force Destruction-Blast your enemies to smitherines,off ledges,slowly have them disintergrate

Force Mass Disintergrate-Same as above but larger radius

Force Stun-Paralyze your enemies

Force Sight Blind-Blind enemies from sight for a up to a minute

Force Light Beam-While only slightly injuring your foe, it loosens the dark side's grasp on


Force Saber Throw-Throw your lightsaber and have it return to your own hand

Force Heal Others-Heal other people

Done To Yourself(defencive,aid)

Force Heal-Heal yourself and feel rejuvenated

Force Proctection-Through the force make your self invincible

Force Speed-Run like the wind, as time seems to slow

Force Jump-Jump astonishing heights and lengths

Force Boost-Strengthen your body, run faster, jump higher, punch harder, move swiftly

Force Cloak-Hide from your foes and sneek freely

Force Sight-See trough force cloak, see hidden doors and in the dark

Force Awarness-Blur out unimportant details and concentrate only on your goal/target

Force Projection-Create hologram like images akin to yourself Force Absorb-Absorb force powers used on you to strengthen yourself

Force Field-Create semidome of force energy to protect several people

Mind Works(mind powers)

Force Control-Control the weak minded,and have them do your bidding

Force Confusion-Confuse your foe, results may vary (haha)

Force Persuation-Persuade the guards to let you pass, or believe your aren't there

Force Seeing-Through the force see friends,enemies,close by threats and distant places

Force Explore-Out of body experience is really what this is

Force Calming-Calm frightend civilians,calm riots and get people to listen to you

Force Cleansing-Loosen the dark side's grip on dark jedi so the they can realize the atrocitiesthey have commited and draw them towards the light side

Force Corrupt-Slowly make the most mentaly solid person go mad

Force Link-A mental link between two people for secret communication

Force Mind Crush-The most evil of all dark side abilities, it crushes your enemies

mind in a painful way

Force Mind Heal-Though not often used, it heals the mind and souls of the mentaly

ill, cures addictions, calms frightend people and stop all dark force

users in their track's


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Originally posted by wutangkillahbee7:


Force Maim- Rips your opponents apart limb by limb.


Force Storm- Throws you enemy around and smashes him.


Force Brimstone- Your enemy bursts into flames.</STRONG>


Now these are kewl force powers! especially the last one.... you work at raven software??? :D


just one question though: How will the balance between force powers be??? will there be again a light side, a dark side and a neutral side as in Jk1??


I think there should be, becuase Kyle katarn really f*cked up his good side reputation in mysteries of the sith......


[ July 02, 2001: Message edited by: Mistermystery ]

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There will be no dark or light tree. Which IMO is good because whether you are dark or light you can still use the same force powers.


They should be of more use in this one and more of an extension of the Jedi rather than acting as another gun like in MOTS. It should do more to make you think in this one.



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If you limit JK2 to "movie" powers you'd have only these:


Force Jump (ESB, ROTJ, TPM)

Force Speed (TPM)

Force Pull (ESB, ROTJ)

Force Healing (ANH)

Force Seeing (ANH)

Force Persuasion/Jedi Mind Trick (ANH)*

Force Grip (ANH, ESB, ROTJ)*

Force Absorb/Protection (one of them anyway)*

Force Far Sight (MAYBE: ESB)*

Force Lightning (ROTJ)

Force Push (TPM)

Force Throw (ESB)

Force Saberthrow (ROTJ)


* Denotes Force Power that is somewhat different in the games we've seen compared to how it worked in the movie.


Any I missed?


/////////SHANG TSUNG WINS!\\\\\




[ July 02, 2001: Message edited by: Shang Tsung ]

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Originally posted by Gabrobot


Force levitate doesn't have to be used on your self, it could be used on other people, so you can levitate them off cliffs etc. I once saw a JK mod that did that.


Fair enough, but why would you want a power that slowly moves a person, leaving you exposed while using it especially in MP, when you can just Force Push someone off a cliff which is quick and fluid.


[ July 03, 2001: Message edited by: Syndrix ]

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holy blasters!

force powers..humm... 1st, Fseeing no, force absob-only if have from beginning...is useless at the end of the game, the force protection is a must have...new power?...time compress, new skills or special mov with lightsaber like: mace windu in power battles will be ohhhh terrific game!!

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Before paying attention with what powers to have, they have to come up with a better way of interfacing them. Previously in this topic, someone said they're a nuasnce. Which at times, they can be. They're too many to bind to certain keys, and it can be a ***** to use them all. I say find an easier way to use force powers.

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I liked shaw's idea of a force modifier key. Hold down the key and move forward you get force push. (For Ob1 BTW)


This wouls help stop people using loads of force powers at the same time which in the SW universe is too unrealistic for my tastes.



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I liked the way they were going to use the force in OB1. Not just F5 for force jump, but you would use the force and jump, or the force and run, which makes it feel more realistic....of course, we dont know what their gonna do yet. Neither do they probably. :D

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i've heard rumours of kicking and levitating


But I figured a Force Modifier Key would work wonderfully..

Force Mod + Kick = Force Push

Force Mod + Use = Force Pull(meybe Levitate)

Force Mod + Run = Force Speed

Force Mod + Jump = Force Jump

and so on..


maybe Force Modify Key + Regular Attack with saber = some sorta fancy and elaborate attack..


just some thoughts tho..

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I think all the Force Powers from the games Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith should be kept, and lots of other powers should be added, such as:


Freeze: freeze enemies around you, just like in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi for SNES.


Throw: in JKII, we should be able to actually pick up people and throw them around using the Force.


Shrink/Enlarge: change your own size to pass through small cracks or to become a giant & scare people.


Image Projection: Like in the book I,Jedi. Used to fool people.


Mind Control: Make enemies attack each other or play as the enemy and not be recognized.


I'll think of more and post them here. What do you guys think?null

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A Force modifier key as already mentioned would be perfect for some abilities[eg:speed,pull,push,jump or any movement related powers], but others powers should be "hot-keyable".Grip or other attack powers come to mind for this. IMHO. ;)

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I've thought of some more Force powers! here they are:


Saber Throw (Modified) : When you throw your saber, you can control it and move it around rather than just throwing it straight ahead.


Teleportation: Appear & Disappear.


Transform: Change into a powerful beast or a cute little Ewok, or an enemy that you previously killed.


Restriction: stun enemies and keep em in one place.


Telepathy: talk to animals or any lifeform that doesn't understand English.


I'll come back later. Goodbye! :D

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