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What Forcepowers would you like to see


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I like most of the current powers, as they all pretty much fit into the SW universe. I don't like being able to 'see' someone using persuasion...they should be totally invisible, not have those tell-tale sparkles around them. But anyway, I agree they should balance each other out.


I'd add at least two additions, though. For one, Luke Skywalker used a force persuasion-type ability in 'The Crystal Star' to make himself look like another person entirely. They should make a force ability like this so you can look like someone/something else. Maybe you could choose from a list of things (or add one to the list) of what you'd like to look like. It'd also be cool to target another player and disguise yourself as that player. Force seeing could uncover the imposter, or a direct attack.

The other power I'd modify is Force Throw. Instead of just throwing select, small objects, it'd be cool to throw big things, like ships. In order to make it fair, it should take a certain amount of concentration (ie. focusing on the target for a proportionate ammount of time to the size of the object being thrown) to move the larger objects. This would mean standing still and focusing the power on the object, like Yoda with the X-wing. The other players would have time to attack during the time the person is focusing, and larger objects, though taking more damage and being harder to avoid, would also be slower-moving.

OH! Another thing...there should be another power allowing deflect...not with the lightsaber, but force alone. Like Vader blocking Han's blaster fire. ;) Okay, that's my input! :D

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