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I think the weapons roster should be this:


1.) Fists

2.) BlasTech pistol

3.) Stormtrooper Rifle

4.) Flamethower

5.) Imperial Machinegun

6.) Heavy Artillery Launcher

7.) Sniper Rifle

8.) Stun-Baton

9.) Wrist Gauntlets

10.) Hyper Rifle


The thermal detonators, bryar pistol, lightsaber, mines, concussion rifle, bowcaster, all sucked. The Repeater was aight, but a machinegun would be better. Rail Detonator got kinda annoying, the way troopers would shoot like 10,000 at you per second.


A stun-baton would be great. You prod people with it.


A flamethower for torturing and roasting people.


Wrist Gaunlets like in AvP so you could shank your opponents to death


Machinegun to shread you enemy with bullets


Hyper Rifle to kill insane amounts of people in seconds.


What would you like to see?


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: wutangkillahbee7 ]

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1.) Fists

2.) BlasTech pistol

3.) Stormtrooper Rifle

4.) Flamethower

5.) Imperial Machinegun

6.) Heavy Artillery Launcher

7.) Sniper Rifle

8.) Stun-Baton

9.) Wrist Gauntlets

10.) Hyper Rifle



Ummm, a lot of DF/JK/MOTS weapons didn't exist until they came out in the game. Fool, you could easily make those, its a freakin' galaxy, so theres agreat chance those exist, but haven't been seen.

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I'll bet you right now that the "Heavy Artillery Launcher" won't be in the game unless this is a fancy way of saying rail detonator; wrist gauntlets (totally unoriginal and un-Star Wars like) won't be there; and hyper rifle won't make it either.


On the doubtful list, I see the flamethrower (was in SotE, but I still don't think there's a place for it in JK2); stun-baton (who would use it?); and sniper rifle (even though this would be cool, we haven't seen a single sniper rifle in the SW universe yet (at least not canon SW)).


Fists, pistol, stormie rifle, and saber are pretty much givens.

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So, we live in the milkyway, and that's a galaxy. So that must mean that there's a quadruple-barrelled, banana-projectile-firing, super rifle wielding maniac on the loose! My dreams have come true! It has to be real, we live in a friggin' galaxy. Don't by any means limit your imagination, just don't post retarded things.

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So that must mean that there's a quadruple-barrelled, banana-projectile-firing, super rifle wielding maniac on the loose!


Maybe, its a whole galaxy, we're not the only ones here. It could be anywhere. Those other weapons could be from another planet in SW

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Guest Vagabond

SnaKe, I've edited the negative comments out of your previous post. I'm going to caution you to not call people names, or refer to their ideas and opinions in a negative fashion - there's no need for that. You're free to discuss just about anything you want here - we just ask that you be civil about it. We have a great community here, and we intend to keep it that way. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Guest Kurgan

I respectfully disagree with the others and Vagabond (though he has shown that there are a lot of options if you just want to use what's been seen before in the SW EU/movies universe), in that I think creating brand new weapons for the game is a good idea and if they decide to do it, I won't be upset.


Think about this... whenever they add a new weapon, vehicle, etc in an EU book, it becomes part of the canon. How is it different if a game adds a new weapon?


Dark Forces added many new weapons never before seen in any SW source at that time, like the Repeater, Fusion Cutter, Concussion Rifle, Dark Trooper Assault Cannon, etc. heck about all of the weapons besides the ST Rifle and Thermal Detonators were new! And most of them were cool and fun to use, so why is that such a big problem?


In Jedi Knight, and MotS, the same thing continued. Yes, you had some DF weapons returning, but the only real "Star Wars" weapon we'd seen prior to this game series that appeard in JK/MotS was the BlasTech pistol and the bowcastor. And even in that latter case, it was modified by Tuscans, so it was almost nothing like the one Chewbacca used.


I think perhaps some fans are thinking "Well I'm going to accept all the new SW gadgets created up to now, but no more after this."

Why the arbitrary decision to not accept anything new? Do you continue to read new SW novels/comics? If so, don't you already have to accept all kinds of new stuff? A game is doing the same thing.


Anyway, I just don't feel that's a very compelling reason to say along the lines of "no new weapons in JK2 that haven't been seen in the SW universe before." Let the developers decide, I say. Respectfully, of course. ; )




[ June 30, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Guest Vagabond

Yes, Kurgan, the EU and games can create new weapons and equipment, which all become part of the Star Wars universe. And to be honest, I wouldn't mind a couple new items in JKO. However, there are numerous cool weapons in the Star Wars universe that have never made it into a game - weapons that I think many people would love to play with in JKO.


It's no different than X-Wing Alliance. If you were missing the B-Wing or the TIE Bomber, people would be upset. They've seen those ships in the movies, and they want to fly them. New ships were created for XWA, but the standard, movie ships were also there.


The same analogy works for JKO. I'd like to see more of the movie weapons in the game, implemented more true to those seen and described in the movies and Expanded Universe. Yet still leave room for innovative weapons by the design team. That's seems a reasonable compromise, and should be fun for the gamers as well, especially since most of the movie weapons haven't made it into the game yet - they'd still feel new and innovative.

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Kurgan, I'm not saying that absolutely no new weapons should be included. If new technologies weren't introduced in the E.U. (take the NJO for example-in every single book, there is a brand new deadly bio-weapong that the Vong brought in that the good guys must fight off), or video games, then the E.U. and gaming world would get old rather quickly. I don't have a problem with new weapons; I have a problem with weapons that lack the Star Wars feel to it.


Wrist Gauntlets like in AvP so you could shank your opponents to death


I may be taking this the wrong way. I honestly thought that a shank was the narrow portion of an object-like a spoon or a key. And if this means something else, I don't know what it is, as I've never played AvP. Anyway, I think he meant to say shrink your opponents (hehe if I'm totally off here, don't kill me). Shrinking your enemy sounds pretty un-Star Warsish to me.


Next, Hyper Rifle to kill insane amounts of people in seconds.


We saw the disruptor in SOTE, and it had a ridiculous feel to it. I just can't imagine Kyle Katarn going and shooting a mini nuke into a room of stormtroopers to kill them. This is Star Wars, not UT or Q3A.


Some of the others are feasible, but IMO unlikely.


Anyway, I hope this post makes some sense to you guys. Kinda late here...

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1.) Fists

2.) BlasTech pistol

3.) Stormtrooper Rifle

4.) Flamethower

5.) Imperial Machinegun

6.) Heavy Artillery Launcher

7.) Sniper Rifle

8.) Stun-Baton

9.) Wrist Gauntlets

10.) Hyper Rifle


Excuse me mate shut the hell up what are you on about MR lets annoy everyone on this website. What are you on about some of these are good.Um..........where is the lightsabre and yes it might have been lamo but they'l improve this is four years later yo0u know. They have the technology to make the lightsabre better now! Just don't say stupid things please. :mad:

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Oh yeah, of course these weapons aren't gonna be like ours. A sniper rifle would be a blaster with a scope. A machinegun would be like a better repeater. A Hyperrifle....ummm.....yeah I see what you mean, unless it was toned down or made into a hidden gun.


Shank as in stabbing. Gauntlets have been used in SW EV, so why not make it into a game weapon?


[ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: wutangkillahbee7 ]

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1.) C

2.) O

3.) N

4.) C

5.) U

6.) S

7.) S

8.) I

9.) O

10.) N


top that off with a nice big rifle.



ok im done with the conc rants for awhile.


I think the best mix would be just as Dark Forces and JK have done it. Include some weapons seen in the SW galaxies and some that are not seen. But, atleast make the weapons seem as thought they would fit a starwars setting (no Bazooka 10K 2005).



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