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Guest Kurgan

Personally, while I don't find blood and guts absolutely necessary in games or anything, in UT for example, the blood makes it easier to tell you hit somebody from far off.


If you want to see a game with "excessive" blood, check out Shogo:MAD (good game though).


And I'll throw out my opinion here too: Violence in games doesn't cause real life violence.


Now let me qualify that and state that there is a correlation between higher levels of aggression in youngsters and violent games/tv/movie watching habits. However, as any good scientist will tell you, correlation does not equal causation.


Just because a game might make you all hot and bothered does not mean that you will go the extra steps and actually hurt a real living person. People can get angry without getting violent. I think the point people have been trying to make all along is that you don't show little kids stuff that is too intense for their underdeveloped minds/emotions to handle. You have to teach them to control their urges so that they don't get carried away and think they need to start kung-fu fighting their friends for real after watching "Power Rangers," etc.


I mean, a person can get depressed or anxious from watching the news every day, but nobody tries to say that we need to ban news programs because they cause suicide and ulcers.


And then there is the psychopath factor. But then, a person who is so detached from reality that a game will cause them to kill, could just as easily be led to kill from going to church, or the supermarket, eating an ice-cream cone, or seeing the color blue.


You can't simply ban all games just because there are mentally insane people out there that will do nasty stuff (and of course we should give these people proper treatment and compassion, while also be aware of what can happen if they are set off).


The sermon is over, go in peace. ; )




[ June 30, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Guest Vagabond

I agree with digl. Gore doesn't typically affect the gameplay at all - it's just a visual effect.


My personal opinion? I like gore. I think it can be fun and funny. Blowing up a bad-guy and seeing him explode into a smoldering carcass gives me a certain primal satisfaction when playing older games like Doom or Duke 3D. Now, the way that Quake and UT does gore is okay, but not nearly as fun for me. I think the polygonal giblets shooting all over the place looks kind of silly and very artificial. It doesn't sicken or offend me, but it doesn't give me the same satisfaction that the older gore-games did.


In the end, if done right, gore can enhance the gameplay. If not, then it can actually be a distraction. At least for me.


Regarding JKO, I don't expect to see much gore, if any. The precedents we have in the movies are for minimal amounts of gore in Star Wars, so I wouldn't expect the games to exceed that standard. If anything, they'll be less so. And I'll be fine with that, as gore isn't the reason I love Star Wars.

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I think the gore level in JK was fine. What more do you need than limbs coming off once in a while. They could have made hits on your opponent more evident, but that doesn't require gore.

As for the violence thing. Definitely, games don't create more violent people, but people that crave and obsess about blood, guts, gore and death are already a little over the edge. People like wutangkillahbee7 worry me a little and it's got nothing to do with the games.

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Originally posted by wutangkillahbee7:

<STRONG>Yeah, forgot that....Umm, make decapitating an option, and blood only for porjectile wounds. Or explosions. Make burning also


And games don't cause Comlumbine. People cause Columbines. People can tell the difference between games and real life.


Vagabond: wutangkillahbee7, please do not call people names. Thank you.


[ June 30, 2001: Message edited by: Vagabond ]</STRONG>



Now my mate says wat r u on about!


From Vagabond:


What is it with some of you? What part of, "No name-calling, no flaming", don't you understand? Either debate civilly, or say nothing at all. For having such high IQ's you sure don't seem to listen very well :rolleyes:


[ July 04, 2001: Message edited by: Vagabond ]

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Guest Kurgan

Obi Wan, please tell your mate that that kind of language isn't appreciated here, though his opinions are duly noted.


Personally though, like I said, if JK2 lacks "gore" (which I'm sure chances are pretty good it will), I won't mind at all. If it includes more violence/blood than JK, as well, I don't think that will be a bad thing as long as the option to turn it off is included (which I'm sure if they did include anything like that, it would be).


I would like the option to hack off limbs (and possibly cut in half) in multiplayer though. It's "star warsy" and it is realistic, and it wouldn't have to be super-bloody.




[ July 02, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Guest digl


After the game is released you should edit it to die with a few shots, and make your JK1 mod, and took out the sabers and force powers

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There is a difference between here & at OWK.net. There were fewer of us so we talked in a calm and civil manner and because we had learned to respect other peoples' opinions whther we agreed with them or not. Now the new game has been announced we get all the new people jumping on the bandwagon thinking that their opinion is more important than anyone elses.


I wouldn't worry RAVE because in time if they don't alter their tone of language then they will find that either


A) People will not value their "opinions"


B) They will be banned.



IMO we just have some minor teething problems...





[ July 07, 2001: Message edited by: wardz ]

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I agree with you wardz. It's a lot different here than OBW.net. I don't mind people arguing over a worthy cause in any way they can and I don't think that there is any "kind" of language that they shouldn't use...What I do not like though, is people arguing about minor or even nonexistent matters just to argue or flame.

If someone wants to start a flame war he should find something worth flaming. Not an oppinion or a quote that could mean 100 diferent things...And the way he'll state his opinion will determine the way other forum members look at him, not the results of an IQ test...

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