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RE: Yun


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hey, how could they really consider Yun a dark jedi? i just checked and all his powers were either light or neutral in the game...i mean was he bad because he was brought up with "the wrong crowd" or because he uses his powers for "evil"? or am i way off...because it seems he couldnt have been all bad, considering if you take the lightie path he sacrifices himself for you...i dont get it...any ideas? also, im wondering if the lightside/darkside you choose destiny thing will come up in JK2 at all...

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yeah, i have to agree, that would be kinda interesting, but id rather see it where you choose how you want to be, kinda like the way they used to have it but with some minor tweaks and upgrades, if you predetermine your destiny it kinda doesnt make it much of a "destiny" now does it? ;) im sure they will figure out the best possible way to implement the paths you take...id like to hear more opinions, so if anyones out there, post something! :)

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