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Milkshape Video Tutorials Anyone?

Guest ZeroXcape

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Guest ZeroXcape

Wilhuf, I've added a bunch of your links to our link section, when I get the section the way I want it, I'll be giving you credit for most of them ;)

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You should make a whole editing section for JKII.net.


Start it off with just regular Quake stuff for now. Then when JkII comes out, you can put the quake stuff in it's own place, or get rid of it completely, and have just jkII stuff. But for now, if you made one, you'd have to have quake stuff for people new to brush engines an all that. Because obviously there aren't any jkII editing links to post.

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Again illustrating the reason we need to know now whether we can legally produce new levels for JKO.


Although I doubt LEC would be able to legally prevent us from doing that, even if they put a restirction in the EULA.

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They haven't said anything about it in any previous game. I'm sure they won't stop you from making levels as long as they don't have copyrighted material or otherwise questionable stuff. A couple of years ago, back when I was still running Hyperview there was a case where LEC was sending people Cease and Desist letters because they had porn in their stuff. So I think if they were against it we would hear about it pretty quick.

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