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Radiant Editor Resources and Links


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Originally posted by UniKorn


That is probably because your lighting is wrong.


For lots of tutorial links : http://www22.brinkster.com/ravenmapping

check out the tutorials section


I'm pretty sure it's the engine.. I've heard reports of similar problems from other people. Oh well.


I've been messing around a bit more in gtkradiant, and I have come to the conclusion that it sucks.;) It's basically impossible to create a geometrically perfect parabolic wall, e.g. the window/canopy type thing at the front of a Star Destroyer bridge. It lacks a snap to vertex function, which, in my experience is absolutely necessary, the drag vertices function doesn't seem to work all that well, the rotate function rounds off to the nearest degree, etc... Went to telefragged and talked to the people there, and they pretty much confirmed it. (not that it sucks, that you can't do it :) )


I'm hoping that Raven will run into the same problems I, and a few others from Massassi have, and find a way to fix them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Yes, you can create custom weapon models with gmax, or with MilkShape3d.


Ki-Adi-Mundi thanks for the link update. It will take some effort to keep the links current as more and more come in. The more people who keep us updated the better.


Keep those new links and updates coming in.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd say Gmax is the best alternative to the $20 milkshape modeling program or the $25,000 3D max ;)

if you get it dont forget to get the tutorials with it because they are very well made and i'd say they are also alot better then some of the user made tutorials for MS3D if you're completely new to 3d modeling (like myself)

you learn how to make some basic 3d level design, a head, a powercharger, a character and an airplane the tempest add-on allows you to create maps for Q3 so you might want to get that as well.




I started using it on sunday and I’m finishing up the head model right now instead of doing my school work. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's my favorite Quake engine editor.


Click here for QuArK


It currently has support for Quake 1, 2, and 3, Hexen 2, Heretic 2, Half Life, SiN, Kingpin, SoF, Elite Froce, Crystal Space, and the latest snapshot has support for 6DX and RtCW. I suspect JK2 support will be forthcoming, especially if we bug them about it. ;)


I used QuArK to build all but my first map for Heretic 2, and I loved it's features (vertex snap is my god). For yo ucoder types out there, it uses mini python libraries, and is inherently customisable.

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I havnt taken much C++ yet but in the tutorial:


"gentity_t *bolt;


VectorNormalize (dir);


bolt = G_Spawn();"


"Line 372 is creates a new entity (called bolt). The G_Spawn() function creates a 'blank' entity... then next job is to flesh out all the details (what sort of entity is it "


Am I wrong or is bolt just a pointer of type gentity_t and "bolt = G_Spawn();" Is bolt pointing to a *forgot the term* object .

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Originally posted by Zoe-x

Am I wrong or is bolt just a pointer of type gentity_t and "bolt = G_Spawn();" Is bolt pointing to a *forgot the term* object .


gentity_t *bolt; <--create pointer to a game entity

VectorNormalize (dir); <--turn vector dir into a direction

bolt = G_Spawn(); <--create a new game entity and make bolt point to it



btw, q3 code is in pure C :)

dunno about jk2 though. they coulda rewritten it all in c++ *shrug*

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Originally posted by KanoZ

I'd say Gmax is the best alternative to the $20 milkshape modeling program or the $25,000 3D max


Gmax is useless, you can only use it for games where the developers have modified itto export to their file format. There's only two companies that have done it that i know of, iD and microsoft. No other companies want to do it because they don't want to pay the rediculous price of $80,000 US. On it's own Gmax, can't export or import and can only save as a gmax file. Plus, Gmax is still just a cut down version of 3ds max, max's UI sucks already, although it is much better than milkshape IMHO.

I'm just gonna stick with my pirated version of Maya 4. Alias don't care that i have a pirated version of maya, because i'm NOT doing anything commercial with it at all. If i did, i'd get a loan and pay the $1999 US for Maya 4 Complete (recently dropped).


BTW, 3ds Max 4 is not $25,000. It's $3,000 US, unless they dropped the price to try and compete against Maya and Lightwave's sudden price drop.


Also, is it me or are these forums REALLY slow?

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You should wait for the official sdk because the Raven guys seem to have quite changed the BSP format. No, this is not one of those "don't do that it'll get you killed"-threads, I'll just explain:

The first four bytes of a BSP file are the so called magic code, the fifth is the version number. (Just open the map with a Hex editor)


For a normal Q3 map this looks like:

49 42 53 50 46 | IBSP Bsp version 46

But for JO:

52 42 53 50 01 | RBSP Bsp version 1


So I think something totally new has been introduced to the BSP format, otherwise changing the magic code sucks :D :D

I chose to post it in here for all those unsuccesful mappers out there. :)

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TramDesign as listed under RTCW resources is now open for JKII Editing, mapping and the rest. We have 700 memebers in our forums and look forward to more. Although we are hosted by Planetwolfenstein, we are not a RTCW only resource but dev in all areas of game development. Our forums are not open to anon users so registration is a must, only one banner that you never have to see if you cut right to our forums.





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Q: Hi i was woundering if JediKnight2-JediOutcast was going to be supported by Radiant as it is using the Q3 Engine Hope this can be answered soon as I am itching to make maps for JK2 thanks.


A:Nothing official at this time. It is very likely that we are going to

support JKII mapping to some extent though.






There you have it should be soon I hope

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INFERNOJHC, yes there is - you'll find a link if you do a search at quake3world.com in the level editing forums as I just mentioned. However, curved brushes do not convert properly and I'm fairly certain you lose all existing texturing as well.

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