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My nominations site + avtars ect.

Guest Luke Skywalker

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Hey, my Nominations site/ avtars, smilies site is up. I dont really have any avatars or smilies yet but they will be added soon enuf. (if your wondering what nominations mean, go to the senate forum.) :)


PS heres the link! My Nominations site


PPS "the senate" section is the only one up. :)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

You should ask Leon. Im guessing that the senators would be able to vote for a fellow senator for the position but thats just a guess. :)

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Guest DSEmperor Viper

well what I'm wondering is if they will have to little or to much control,I am also worried about favortism, like if there is a senetor that thinks up an idea and another guy has a better idea but leon knows the other guy more then him so the bad idea is put into play,another thing will it TRULY be diplimatic

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Guest Luke Skywalker

It will be totally Diplomatic, its just that everyone has a different definition of diplomacy. If you say it is a government that is elected by the people then it is a diplomacy if you say a diplomacy is a place where the people that deserve to be elected are elected then its deffintely not.

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