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Will jk2 run on my computer?

Guest Rogue15

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I have a P3 866 256MB RAM GeForce2 GTS


I run the game Giants:Citezen Kabuto at full with no problems at all. I don't know too much of computer specs, but I was wondering how much different you guys think JK2 will be from Giants(spec-wise).


Also, how much does RAM matter and exactly what does it do cause I was thinking of upgrading to 512MB? How much would the upgrade cost?


I also plan on buying a Geforce 3 after the holidays when its a bit cheaper.

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Dell has a nice deal on a PC that should probably run JO.


From Dell's Site, the Dimension 2100 specs:


Intel® CeleronTM Processor at 900GHz


20GB Ultra ATA/100 Hard Drive(7200RPM)

17 in (16.0 in viewable,.28dp)E770 Monitor



900 GHz? Count me in. Although, it would be nice if they paired it with 256 GB of RAM and a 10 TB hard drive, but I guess I'll take what I can get. <$1 per GHz is a pretty good deal.

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Will JKII run nice on a PIII 600, 128 mb ram, and a Nvidia tnt2 32mb graphics accelorator. WHen i say nice, i mean REALLY NICE. I am a jk freak, and i dont want anything holding me back when the sequel comes out. if i need to change any of those specs, can u tell me which ones and what i shuld replace them with!

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Well I just bought another 512 MB of sdram, which means ill have 640 onboard, so i shuldnt have any ram problems. But i am confused about the processor thing. I have a pentium three, and i have no damn clue what my mother board is. But if i wanted to put a 1.4ghz proccessor on it, would i have to get a new motherboard to?

I know nothing about dis stuff.

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