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if u would be as kind to tell me what movie is this?


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I remember a movie I saw a long time ago, and I was wondering if anyone couldn't spit out a title using this pathetic description(keep in mind, i was young when i saw it, so details may be erratic, out of place and incomplete):


This space shuttle from NASA comes across these people they discover frozen in space(or put in crystals.. one of the two). The crew picks them up, and soon after, people start showing up dead on the space shuttle(death from having their life energy sucked from them). Eventually every body but the commander dies(this occurs in a short period of time) and the commander ejects in a lifepod or whatever and lands back on earth. A another shuttle goes up and recovers the abandoned shuttle and brings back with them, the people(who were comatose) who were either frozen or stuck in a crystal back to earth.


back at government research building, the equivalant of star trek's red shirts, goverment workers, one young scientist(i think he was a scientist) is studying one of the comatose people, who happens to be a girl(there were three people that the shuttle brough back, 1 was a girl, maybe in her early twenties, others were 2 twin twentyish males). she wakes up, and starts kissing the guy in the room with her and lighting starts flickering between them and she sucks out his 'lifeforce', leaving him as a withered skeleton.


a group of doctors perform a autopsy on the skeleton of the former researcher, and the skeleton gets up and sucks the lifeforce out of the doctor and thus returns to normal.


the doctor's dead and the scientist that somehow managed to regenerate his destroyed body is placed in quarentine behind bars in a storage area. after some conversation, the scientist who had his lifeforce sucked out by the girl and consequently sucks the lifeforce out of the doctor perforimng an autospy on him, suddenly turns to dust.


meanwhile, the woman that sucked the lifeforce out of the scientist is out on the lose, having sucked the lifeforce out of several guards at the gov't building and wanders out in public, sucking the life force out of people she happens upon(i.e. a elderly woman jogging).


this creates a uncontroable situation, because people who have had their life force sucked out wander around sucking(by touch) the lifeforce out of anyone they encounter, thus causing almost a run-away plague with most people getting some or most of their lifeforce sucked out and then turning around trying to find people who still have their lifeforce and try to suck theirs out, to replace their lost lifeforce or whatever...


the commander, who escaped from the abandoned shuttle, is involved in the story line in someway i can't remember 'cos i was fairly young when i saw it, goes to several military bases and gov't installations doing something. one particular thing that happened at one of the military bases was as he was in a helicopter taking off, two US soldiers, who had their life forces sucked out, ran towards the helicopter and grabbed onto the landing skids, in their lifeforceless decayed form and they managed to knock the soldiers off..


they came to a, what i believe was a british military installation that barricaded off entrance points to prevent people who had their life forces sucked out from coming in.


steel swords or something could harm the three initial lifeforce stealing lifeforms


thats pretty much all i can remember seeing how i was young. hope it made some sense..



if u recognize the movie, i'd be greatful if u could reply with the title to it.

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The film you are referring to is called Life Force, and was a spin on the vampire theme. I actually have the video, and it's quite good for it's time.


Ironic that you actually mentioned life force in your description...and that it didn't ring any bells. :D


It also starred Patrick Stewart before his Star Trek: TNG days, Colin Firth, and the Shuttle Commander later turned up as Duane Barry in the X-Files.



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thank you very much; figured u'd answer; u and vagabond seem to be the authority on strange sci-fi movies :)


as i was fairly young when i saw it so i probably missed most of the plot anyways, thus was my description so piss-poor.. :D


what brought about a sudden interest in seeing it again, was that it sort of delt with a plague type situation. don't ask me why im interested in movies/games where humanity is on the run from some sort of biological or other type threat.. :p

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