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hell well today is my birthday, and well, today has been wicked s*&t all in one, but mostly wicked.


i forgot my birthday was today :rolleyes: and only realised last night, and the day started wicked got some ace pressies, and then i was told i was in the karaoke competition my schoool was having, and so when i got up to sing in front of the whole school, i got two lines of you get what you give by the new radicals out and then lost it. :( i couldn't finish it infront of the whole school and almost punched a guy cause he gave me S*%t. got home saw my rellies and got more pressies, (btw i turned 16) and got 10 - 15 phone calls from all chicks and doods and mates i met over the weekend while doing the landmark forum, (any one heard of it?) and then got asked out by a chick, so it was an okay day :):D:)



*EDIT:spelling and language :D


[ September 24, 2001: Message edited by: Access_fluX ]

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my parents got me a new stereo, With a remote! a my little bro gave me a cocktail shaker, a Kangol hat, a shirt (MXPX rock) a new pair a shoes (made by acupuncture) and some more stuff, but i got a copy of matthew reilly's new book Area 7 - i heard the kill count in the book is 183 :)

any way i had a great day apart from the karaoke thing and got some joy stuff. :eek:

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hey Gonk - what does this mean?



Sors salutis, et virtutis, michi nunc contraria.

Est afectus, et defectus, semper in angaria.

Hac in hora, sine mora, corde pulsum tangite.

Quod per sortem, sternit fortem, mecum omnes plangite.


it sounds pretty cool,


yer area 7 is a good book, i got about 30 pages left, and i am gonna go sleep through my next class.


hey Matt you really interested in knowing about her?


*EDIT: forgot some :D


[ September 26, 2001: Message edited by: Access_fluX ]

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roughly translated......


Fate is against me

in health

and virtue,

driven on

and weighted down,

always enslaved.

So at this hour

without delay

pluck the vibrating strings;

since Fate

strikes down the strong man,

everyone weep with me.


im thinking of changing it...... in fact, i will..... in about 4 minutes. :)


oh, and btw, happy b'day to mark hammil, who turned 50 yesterday, or something.....


[ September 26, 2001: Message edited by: GonkH8er ]

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Hey Gonk, do you actually know Latin, or did you just use the handy-dandy latin/english dictionary?


'Cause maybe I should get you for a study partner.. ; )



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