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Played some PS2 demos today...

Guest Kurgan

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Finally got a chance to sample the PS2 versions of 'Gauntlet Legends: Dark Legacy' and 'StarFighter' (when the store finally got their ps2 machine fixed).


I'll post my thoughts later today...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Heh.. needless to say I found other stuff that kept me from posting.


I played StarFighter PS2 (the in store demo) briefly (for about ten minutes or so) and really wasn't that impressed.


Granted I had to familiarize myself with the controls, and didn't finish the entire mission (only the first objective), but it just wasn't that interesting. I always felt the space battles in Episode I were pretty weak compared to those in the classic trilogy, but that much was obvious from the movie (a small scale battle with a tiny band of fighters).


The graphics seemed up to par with what you'd expect from games like the X-Wing series, although I confess I have not played any of the X-Wing games, only looked over the shoulder of my roommate who is a big fan. It was also on a small screen. The level I played was a desert-like terrain, with a mothership that I was to defend (I tried blowing it up, failing that, I moved away from it). I was able to shoot down some of my teammates, which was nice (Rogue Squadron had this) and I fought some of the droid tanks on the ground.


The game didn't particularly blow me away, as it seemed a lot like the early Rogue Squadron mission where you blow up the probe droids (ie: not very exciting). Now the rest of the game may be much better than this which is probably an early mission. The graphics were nice (a bit of slowdown here and there, but nothing too bad, much better than the ancient RS graphics). The controls took getting used to, as I don't play much with the dual shock style controller (though it has better analog sticks than my pc gamepad, they are just in an akward spot from what I'm used to).


So in all, it looks like an okay game, but probably not one I'd get, except as a bargain bin title (when it comes out for PC that is, I have no intention of getting a PS2 as of yet).


I also checked out Gauntlet: Dark Legacy (so far the only console port of the arcade expansion to Gauntlet Legends). I found it very different from the arcade Dark Legacy, much in the way that the Dreamcast GL was different from the arcade one.


Obviously in both cases I felt that the console versions were somewhat better. They add more RPG type elements, as opposed to quarter crunching elements (such as removing the "health decreasing with time" feature and giving you a hit point maximum that increases with your levels). The DC version I felt had slightly better graphics than the arcade version (observable on a VGA box or very large monitor). The same I could say for the PS2 version of the expansion.


The shop could be accessed any time, and the graphics appeared slightly sharper than the DC version, and it all looked pretty good.


My only complaint about G :DL for PS2 was the fact that they messed with the controls. The arcade version had three fire buttons (magic, attack, and turbo), which is a familiar setup to Midway fans. The moves are generally common sense and you use combos to do everything, so it eventually becomes natural.


Much like the SNES liked to do with its game, the PS2 developers obviously felt that they were wasting all those buttons, so they decided to assign each key a different function. So that means you'll be pressing tons of different buttons instead of doing simple combos, which takes some getting used to. You can select an "arcade" layout, but it still has seperate buttons for blocking, turbo, magic, etc. I just wish they had included the original button layout as an optional feature.


The other annoying thing is that in order to play the game four player, you would also have to purchase a "tap" adaptor in addition to the other controllers, so you'd have to fork over a bit more money, even considering the fact that the Dreamcast counterparts have gone down in price by now.


That said, I can't say that either game (so far the only two PS2 games I was really looking at with interest thus far) was really overwhelming to the point that it would lead me to consider purchasing a PS2 in the near future.


Now if Gauntlet :DL is ported to the PC (and even with the messy controls) and a four player option I might consider getting it though.


So in short, if you have a Dreamcast, get the DC verison of Gauntlet, if you want to play space battles, try X-Wing Alliance or wait for the better ports.



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Gran Turismo 3 is a must buy!! That is the greatest car game ever!


Starfighter is very mediocre. MY biggest complaint was the physics engine, when you'd turn left or right you'd seem to kind of keeep drifting in the original direction you were going. Its hard to explain, if u play it you'll understand. Yes that may be more realistic, but i don't want realism in a fantasy universe.

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