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Jedi Starfighter?


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Go here to check the official announcement on this new game. It's apparently a sequel to Starfighter.


What caught my eye is the fact that you will be able to use the Force, so it's probably not a straight-forward space flying shoot-em-up. :eek:


Pity it's only a PS2 title - but maybe they'll port it to PC.


Anyone looking forward to it?

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Sounds good, I was longing for the day when they would finally let us imitate the stuff we saw in the movies regarding use of Force, etc with a space sim.


The news should be posted shortly (my ISP is preventing me from posting it), and there's a forum just for the new game <a href="http://www.jediknight.net/cgi-bin/mboard/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=37&t=000001">here</a>.


Unfortunately, since I have no plans to buy a PS2, I probably won't get to play it unless it's a rental or in-store demo, etc. By then I'll probably be too busy playing JK2 anyway. ; )



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I have to say I am honestly looking forward to this game.


I really like the idea of putting you in control of an actual Star Wars character from Episode 2, Adi Gallia of the Jedi Council. I think it will make you feel like the game is more connected with Episode 2. Because of the uninteresting new characters in Starfighter 1, it failed to convince me.


It sounds much more interesting than the normal Starfighter.


This Spring is gonna be a wild one for us Star Wars fans! :D

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A key highlight of Jedi Starfighter is the presence of its swift and stealthy namesake craft from Attack of the Clones. The Jedi starfighter is the ship of choice for the Jedi, and unlike any other in the Star Wars universe. By virtue of a Jedi pilot, players will have a variety of unique Force powers at their fingertips throughout various points in the game. Force lightning saps the power systems of enemy ships and renders pilots unconscious. Force shield creates an energy barrier that deflects laser blasts. Force reflex simulates exaggerated reflexes and perception of the Jedi Knight pilot by putting the world in slow motion while the Jedi starship retains normal turning and shooting abilities. Force shockwave produces a powerful energy surge, which radiates multi-directionally.


Sounds like bullet time to me :)

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you see, my problem is that i can't stand games that aren't original enough to become a brand new kind of game. i mean, the idea is interesting and all, but really it's just another way to try and get people to think that this one will just definitely be better than the first because it has force powers now. really, what i want (and one very small problem i had with JK) is force powers that are made up, but still stick close to a Jedi's abilities. i mean, really, do you think Darth Vader would have ever really just flown his tie around when he didn't even bother using his force powers? you would think he would have, if Lucas had meant for it to be that way. but no, he didn't want it to suddenly get CORNY, with Vader just doing a force grip on Luke's buddies all of a sudden, or throwing a barrage of lightning on them. i mean, the bullet time thingy, that makes sense. that's something that all Jedi could probably do. but... 1) why does Adi-Gallia have force lightning, 2) couldn't they be a little more creative than to come up with something like "shockwave"?, and 3) stick with the original, buddies. Starfighter was good, but don't make a mess with a sequel that makes Star Wars less of an idea and more of a simple way to make money. i just don't like the sound of it. it's just so cheap. i don't really know why. i can't explain it. it's just not right. that's why, Stormie.


never ask me a question ever again about what i think. i'm terrible at explaining things. never ask. NEVER. thought everyone should know that. not for my sake, but for theirs. i suck at explaining stuff.

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Thanks for the feedback, Philbo.


And you did just fine explaining your position. ;)


*waves hand*

"Relax. Feel the Force flow through you..."


Yes, I can see your point about originality.


Such is the problem with sequels, although it might be good if the game is going to use a better engine. Force powers could be a good feature if implemented well, and in the proper context - although as you suggest the choice of Force powers is highly debatable.


I agree about the lack of continuity in the movies, too - but I suppose they had to find a way to tell a good story.


I guess we'll have to see what other information (and screenshots) emerges about the game. :cool:

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i'm only worried bout what this could mean for people playin starwars galaxies eh..i mean..i thought u could do something about this pesky jedis in space....i mean they're formidable ground troops but with this jedi starfighter things gettin a lil harder -_-

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In the EU novels, and the Tales of the Jedi graphic novels, there is also a Battle Meditation Force Power that can turn the tide in a battle...boosting the morale of your allies. That was used both on the ground and in space.


You never know, something like that might be included as well.

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Originally posted by Philbo:

<STRONG>i just don't like the sound of it. it's just so cheap. i don't really know why. i can't explain it. it's just not right. that's why, Stormie.</STRONG>


yeah. i know what you mean... it sounds more like a gimmick than a clever idea...but then the whole star wars franchise is starting to sound that way. :(


still... if they use it right it might work... being able to cloud you enemy's mind, slow his reactions, speed up yours, improve your accuracy etc would be prety cool.. but force lightning in space is just gonna be too cheesy for words...

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I think you guys who are bashing this game merely by its title and nothing more is a little unfair.


SPOILER FOR EPISODE II if you don't want to be spoiled don't look at the rest of this post:







I heard Obi-Wan will fly a Jedi Starfighter in Episode 2, so how is this cashing in if it's already part of Lucas' story?


I would actually prefer them make an Attack of the Clones game along the lines of The Phantom Menace game for PC. But let me make something perfectly clear. TPM was fun for me the first time(sort of), cause it came out right around the release of the movie so I was hyped, but that game shouldv'e been alot better.

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