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Outcast II starting to look tasty...


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This is for anyone who might remember another game with Outcast in the title...namely, er...Outcast. :D


It had one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard in a game - and the graphics were different for their time.


The sequel is now well in the works, and judging by these screenshots (which are not representative of the final quality of the game, they say), it certainly looks like it's going to be good.


Anyone else looking forward to Outcast II?

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Yup. Im re-playing it again at the moment. Its an awsome game. I remember posting on these forums a couple of weeks ago when the game was announced. Unfortunatly noone here will run it. Its goind to be soooo detailed their going to even render every blade of grass. Hope its as good as the original :)

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I believe the patch for Outcast was necessary due to later versions of DirectX. I'm not sure, but if you have DirectX 5 or 6 you might be okay with the install.


Of course, not many people still use the older versions of DirectX, so you'll probably have to patch.


I know it really annoyed me when I first got the game, installed it...and discovered it had erased itself from the hard drive. I was not impressed...but I persevered...and I'm glad I did.


Heh, talking about it makes me want to play it again... ;)


I hope they make sure Outcast II is bug-free prior to release.

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Just keep on playing and very soon you will begin to understand. If you have completed the first event by now then you will just about understand. Your not very far into the game though. Dont forget to woal around the islands and talk to people to get bonuses....especially in talanzaar where there are lots.

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Xue is in charge? he came about 10years before slade and wolfe. what about the other guy, did he also come 10 years b4? still dont tell me.

i'm up just finished the big city world. i had to get this knife. Outcast is a really good game. i can go anywhere at anytime. what other games gives this much freedom.

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