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x-box vs gamecube


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anyone seen anything about which of these is looking like being the best? (sensible comparison rather than biased opinion?)


I haven't really found any impartial comparisons anywhere. Are they even out yet in the US? or just the games?


don't expect either will make it over to the uk before next feb anyway, but... :(

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I think Xbox is out any day now in the US, unless it's already out, I can't remember. The Cube is only 3 days behind Xbox.


Us Europeans have to wait until Spring 2002 to buy Xbox, and even longer for Gamecube if I'm correct.


Personally, I'm going for Xbox. The only game I really want on Gamecube is Rogue Leader, while there's a few more games I want for Xbox.


You can't really define which console is the 'best' one though. It all depends on what games you like, and which system these games will appear on.

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This is going to be THE question for at least the next six months; only because it will take atleast that long to figure out which console is in it for the long haul. I think it all depends on which system consumers latch on to and which one is going to be more innovative. With a price tag a hundred dollars cheaper than xbox, gamecube seems to have an edge in the battle IMHO. I think parents would be more apt to buy their child a gamecube because of Nintendo's warmer history and franchises. I think a more mature gamer would look toward the xbox, though, since the titles seem to be more mature. I really am quite confused by all of it though; so I've decided to wait it out like im sure many gamers have decided. With the prospect of the zelda (celda) franchise and Rouge Leader II, I think i would buy a Gamecube over an Xbox, but that is just my opinion. Also, you have to think about the fact that the xbox is really a multimedia appliance while gamecube will be specifically gaming. Ugh, what a mess!!!

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Have played XBoX and GC at a local software store...


GC has a great controler, but the graphics are strictly Nintendo...

XBoX, has some really great games (HALO, Dead or Alive3, Munch's Odyssey, and Starfighter- which looks much better than rogue Leader, and Obi-Wan)...


I used to be a console gamer, but gave it up for my PC. The XBoX has gotten me excited about consoles again ;)


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Apart from the fact that the new zelda game isnt going to live up to many peoples expectations, the gamecube has shaped up very nicely. As said, it all boils down to what games you like. If you're dying to get Rogue Leader, then go cube. But if you're more the Halo, halflife 2 and sam n max type, go xbox.


Personally, i think xbox is going to appeal more to the newer market. The cube is going to be great, but the xbox has snagged some awesome titles for exclusive usage. My guess is..... well....... whichever one is priced lower probably. Theyre both quite good imo. That's not to say I'll get one, coz i probably wont. My upgrade at the end of this month will do me just fine :)


I guess we'll just wait and see if xbox has technical troubles ie GSODs every 24 hours

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Originally posted by KordKelly:

<STRONG>...and Starfighter- which looks much better than rogue Leader...</STRONG>


amlsfdjaoefboiWHA?! Y'know, I'm not even gonna crack some joke, or make fun, but is there any person or publication that agrees with this?! :eek: Rogue Leader is 2nd to none in graphics in SW games as of now.

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Originally posted by KordKelly:

<STRONG>At last years E-3.</STRONG>


That was at last years E3. Things happen in a very short time in all computer related industries, nowadays. I read an article an IGN(I'll try to find a link) that said that Lucasarts had to tone down the graphics on Rogue Leader's Death Star mission, so that It wouldn't look better than in the movie. I didn't hear that about Starfighter. Either way, both games are shaping up great. :)

EDIT: couldn't find a link to the original article, but http://cube.ign.com/reviews/15337.html

Brilliant. Unsurpassed. Beautiful. Looks just like the movies.
That's under the Graphics part of the review. It got a perfect 10.


I couldn't find an article on StarFighter(on IGN).


[ November 17, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]

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GC is a very good game platform, and in some instances will surpass XBoX and PS2. Then again, PS2 and XBoX will surpass GC in some instances.


Extended Play did their GC Special this weekend (TechTV). While Rogue Leader does admittedly look better than it did at E3, I cannot justify buying a system for "One Game". (All the other games I've seen for GC just don't Pull my trigger.)

I'm sorry, the games (sofar) for GC just don't interest me, and that is what it all boils down to...the Games.


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<STRONG>...and that is what it all boils down to...the Games. :D</STRONG>


Very true, sir, but no one's arguing that here.


You can just go on right ahead and believe that Starfighter SE is better looking than Rogue Leader, but again, you'd be in a very severe minority.


(And could ya please fix that sig?)


[ November 17, 2001: Message edited by: bsbuckeye21 ]

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Well, when I click on the link, I'm taken to a Tripod site that says:


This file is hosted by Tripod, a Lycos®Network Site, and is not available for download. Please check out Tripod's Help system for more information about Remote Loading and our Remote Loading policy.


But when I paste it into a browser, it works fine! :confused:

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