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Original Series and Computer Games


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Ok I know about the old 2d games of the original trilogy on the old super nintendo. but why doesn't Lucas Arts make games based on the original Trilogy. lIke using the upcoming unreal 2 engine I would love to see that. I would be so excited. And I think that a lot of people would be interested in these games and would buy them.

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/me points out that the did make a game based on episode ii, and that /me thinks that they will make a fps based on episode 3 (due to not hearing jack crap about episode 2 games).....as for the original series, i doubt that they would make those games until episode 3 is done and said...and by that time it will be a whole different ball game. sorry....for all you non irc ho's out there... /me means insert my own name...blah!


/me runs

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stuff like this belongs in the swamp... but about the episode ii game, havent heard anything about it yet... im sure there will be eps ii and iii games, but they probably wont come out til after the movies do... maybe not even right away...


as for old trilogy games, the star wars archade game just came out recently from what i recall... maybe you should start a software company that you can make old trilogy games with... i know i would by them :D

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