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o, ya! i found a new passcode for rs3d! woohoo!

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15


As you know all passcodes for N64 version are released recently and can be found at www.Factor5.com. But for the PC version LucasArts makes little hints from time to time releaseing a couple of passcodes known to everybody long ago.

Already half year the Gold Squadron - a group of Rogues from www.RogueSquadron.net forums keeps up its Passcode Quest. During this time they found more than 25 passcodes never released before using RogueSpy 1.2. These passcodes are mainly so-called twin-passcode of a known passcode or have not any seeming effect.

But in August 4, 2001, 09:25 AM ET(US) Executive Officer Rogue15 reported about a new passcode - CNDDOBY ! It is the Passcode No.6 which was reconnoitred recently by new Codes feature of RoguEdit 2.0. Using this passcode along with well-known MAESTRO or DIRECTOR shows the famous Developers Team snap instead of Showroom menu at HighScores !

In present time the Gold Squadron conisists of five pilots only and it really needs recruitment.

Unite for the last battle ! Join the Gold Squadron ! Fight for new passcodes !

< !-- BEGIN: Rogue Squadron JOIN US -->


ARRGGH, are you trying to annoy me? - ed.


< !-- END: Rogue Squadron JOIN US -->


[ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Guest Rogue15

btw, i was just kidding about that, so don't go and report me to a mod. Being a rogue squadron community member from roguesquadron.net i was sorta obligated to say that. I agree that the Nintendo 64 version sucks COMPARED to the PC version. but as a game, neither of them suck, 'cause they are addicting (to me anyways) and got awesome gameplay, although it can be sorta repetitive. Rogue Squadron 3D doesn't suck 'cause it can be edited. RogueArm or RogueEdit anybody???

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Guest Kurgan

Ack, I wish people wouldn't get so carried away with the animations and stuff. Please, be reasonable in your postings.


Anyhow, I liked RS. It's a good fun game. Simple, but fun. I like arcade action.



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Guest Rogue15

ya, i didn't mean what i said to be personal. it was a joke, that's all. i got banned for a day for it too.....ummm...you'd probably get it alot worse if redwing, jared, ice, and s1 were here. sorry about what i said.

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hmm, nice puzzeling queary isnt it??



Rogue Squadron SUCKS!





I played it a lot, however





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RS shields sux, u can't adjustem or rechargem like you should. and 2 tex for a piolit is jus dumb, they coulda used some polygons for the PC ver a P200 with a voodoo II was vastly more powerful then a N64... infact i remember being able to play Mario 64 with ultraHle with my Cyrix Pr200 48mb ram and a voodoo banshee, and it had playable framerates.

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Digl and ACDCFAN, yea, it is a funny puzzeling-query, but one that has a very simple explanation.


Rogue Squadron sucks. But, as I already had bought it, I HAD to play it, 'cause if I hadn't, I would have to admit that I'd thrown my money away. Simple as that!


The only game I thought sucked and didn't play A LOT is Force Commander. Even I couldn't play that game for long.

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Guest Rogue15

ah, now i understand why i was banned for no reason at all, everybody comes in and starts bashing on my near-favorite games...in a topic that I created. oh well, at least there's 1 insane person here-me.

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