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Which races would you never like to see in the game?


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Guest ImpStarII

Ewoks, Trandoshians, and Bothans.



From the Star Destroyer, Sly






If ego could power shields, you'd be invincible

-Wedge Antilles, Rogue Squadron

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

No, no and no. It was that tall thing, in Jabba's Barge (Special Edition), It had a white mustache and brown skin... VERY tall :)

Rommel are you talking about Yarkora? Or Yakfaces?:)

I think the Gamorreans would make a horrible Civ!

BTW ReaperFett, you say we know too little on the Mon Cals and Trandoshans, well how much did we know about the Wookiees? Not all that much, and for that matter we didn't see much on the Gungans either and they're in the game too.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Darktrooper

how about whatever civ Watto is that would suk but i would have a good bonus ineffective against conversion


You mean Toydarians? Not much ios known about them, especially in the way of the military. I don't think they could come up with enough units, if any.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I wouldn't like to see the Hutt they are just too diverse. And can you imagine seeing a big blob of briwn stuff going around the screen?

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