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a sign of the end?


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all the nations are uniteing,hunting this guy down meaning when hes destroyed they will proclaim peace.1 thessalonians 5:3 "Whenever it is that they are saying :Peace and security! then sudden destructionis to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman;and they will by no means escape.

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all the nations are uniteing,hunting this guy down meaning when hes destroyed they will proclaim peace.1 thessalonians 5:3 "Whenever it is that they are saying :Peace and security! then sudden destructionis to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman;and they will by no means escape.


All of the nations are hunting who? At this point, we don't know who is responsible, although we can all make educated assumptions. If you're referring to Bin Laden, not that many countries are actually looking for him. In reality, there are quite a few that possibly fund his movement.


Thessalonians I, 5:3


For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


And that has what to do with anything? Sure, we could sit here disputing the translations of that scripture in all christian bibles, but what it all comes down to...the verse you selected has about as much to do with this situation, as chapter 1 in Tarzan and the Ant Men.

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I think it is much more likely that this is s "blessing in disguise" rather than the end of the world.


Look at all of the nations uniting. Most free countries of the Western hemisphere have pledged support for any course of action the U.S. will take. The U.K., Canada, Australia, Germany, and many others that I can remember hearing/seeing/reading about. Not to mention Cuba and China. Cuba has medical teams on stand by in NYC, and China has offered her condolences.


The world is uniting against a common and evil thing. It is not the end of the world.

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