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Guest Krayt Tion

My prediction: good luck voicing any calm, reasonable criticisms of anything Star Wars on that site. Anyone who would criticize any minute aspect of Star Wars on a Star Wars message board must obviously be a troll, right? :rolleyes:


Either that or they will use the excuse that because rabid SW fans end up flaming everyone that even hints at disliking something within the SW universe, it simply does not serve in the best interest of the board to allow 'controversial' topics.


Word to the wise: the fanactics are usually the ones brandishing the torches, and flaming with them. But you can't punish them, they're your biggest supporters. :rolleyes:

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Guest Krayt Tion

I should admit I'm biased, the mod already closed down a TFN Check-In thread in their games section because there was one in a completely different section.


Memo to mod: the different sections at TFN are basically different communities. Some people visit them all, but many if not most regulars of a certain section spend most of their time in that same section with people who do likewise. General check-in = pfffft, aka not so nice a welcome.


Still, I'm registered, and I'd love to be proven wrong.

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