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What do AOE players think of this game ?

Guest Whizzy

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Well i personally loved AOK and the Civs where actually diferse enough to warant different strengths and weaknesses. Notice there are civs more prominant in the FLUSH Strength and some civs that are best orinted "defensive." It seems as thought Lucas arts is not going that route. I think GB is diverse enough with the civs alreadyh. Even Playing both Rebels and Empire feels different. Perhaps because of the different art sets. Each civ will have certain advantages and will probably play differently enough to promote different strategies. Rebels (Strong Air/Troopers/Jedi) Empire (Strong Mechs/jedi/Troopers) Gungans (Mechs/Ships) Naboo (Air/Jedi/Ships) Wookies (Stronger troopers/Air) TRade Federation (Mechs/Ships?) All have certain unique techs as well to strengthen their uniqueness. All in all the game shoud be balanced enough where there will be no ultimate dominate civ.

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Guest WC_heavyarms

well, in AoK, it was so badly one-sided. You would fight pretty much the same things every time, Mostly just huge hordes of siege onagers and paladins in Dm's. In Gb though, There will be a lot more to consider, like what to use, because battles will NOT be one sided, like AoK.

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