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Regenerating Units

Guest ReaperFett

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Guest ReaperFett

In the demo, Vader was regenerating. Do you think this will be Masters only? Special Characters only? Or would it be a trigger in the scenario editor?

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Guest Paladin

It isn't a bug or glitch.

Most special Characters or Heroes regenerate.

They only regular units that regenerate are Wookiee Beserkers.:p

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Guest WC_heavyarms

The reason Vader healed is because he is a hero. If you have never played TC, all heroes in the game regenerated. So, naturally, Vader did too. They kept that feature, which is good because of important characters.

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Guest ImpStarII

You are right WC just like in Aok the heroes and special units regenirate thier health.



From the Star Destroyer, Sly


ImpStarII :vsd:

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Guest Darth G

You mean that all the heroes regenerated!!


I dunno about u guys, but i think that it takes the fun out of the games...


i understander Vader, he's a sith lord... but if u tell me that little boy Anakin, Amidala and god forbid, Jar Jar Binks can regenerate, that's seems kind of out of place.


I think that only sith/jedi heroes should be able to heal themselves... it doesn't make sense otherwise

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