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Check out this sweet deal..


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I just singed up for a class a few weeks ago and it starts saturday. It's an IT and E-commerce class and we can also take some on-line classes as well. Here is the sweet part. We were going to get free Laptops and the class was costing Boeing $3700 per person. boeing said they would pay $3100 so now we have to pay $300 if we want to keep the laptop after the class is over in March.


$300 for a new laptop. I asked one of the instructors what they were, he said they are PIII 1ghz, 20gig HDD, cd-rom but that was all he knew.. So I'll find out more on Sat. at class.. We don't get them till the 15th though. :(


Just in time for me to take it to Phoenix this Christmas so I can play games on the plane on the way down.




So even if the class stinks I get something out of it anyways.

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I've been hinting to the folks at work that it might be time to get me a new computer. This elderly iMac jus ain't cutting the mustard anymore.


The IT boys have been upgrading everyone with G4 towers or Dell P4 towers (both with flat panel monitors) for a few months now, but I don't seem to be on anyone's list for an upgrade. :(


I don't really NEED a new, screaming fast system for the job I do really. But with one of these I could be doing other work during downtime. I have a bunch of CD mastering and graphic editing projects backed-up on my home system that I never get to because I'm never home that much anymore. If I had a decent system at work... :D


I'll have to keep working on them. It's only a matter of time anyway... they don't even support half the software on my computer anymore, and I think they're phasing out all the older hardware as well. I just have to make sure they don't forget about me.

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They just bought some new Dell PIII 933mhz,256mg ram to replace all the old P200s with 48mg.


One machine still has a 200 on it because they were going to stop using the machine and since they started it back up the guy that runs it is stuck with that old 200... It's a slug after you have been on one of the new ones...


We also just got W2000Pro. They shut off a lot of features. :(

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