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What should there absolutely be in JK2?

Guest Lord Chief

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Jedi Robes and Hoods should be in the game whose can be taken on or off by will (like in AOTL MOD for MotS). I also think they should have the ability to move when the air is blowing around, or when the player is running jumping, doing saber moves etc. I mean they should behave like real clothes do (like in Max Payne) :jawa

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Originally posted by IronJedi Kaga



5) Improved grip. Dont let people rapid grip , aka press grip over and over again and get full damage for each press. Grip should be broken if the target leaves the players line of sight. Ex a high force jump would break the grip if somone didnt keep you in sight.



Supergrip, which is what you're refering to, was a flaw in JK that probably won't transfer over to JO..


and as far as losing grip when you lose line of sight... you already do.. if it didn't work, that was because of lag, which shouldn't be a significant problem in JO.

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3.06 Will I be able to use Force powers?

Yes. Confirmed Force powers include: Force Jump, Force Push, Confuse, Force Heal, Force Speed, Force Lightning, Force Choke and Force Pull. Kyle will also be able to use the force to throw his lightsaber and exercise varying degrees of control over it while it's airborne.

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Jedi Robes and Hoods should be in the game whose can be taken on or off by will (like in AOTL MOD for MotS).

Yeah, they would be awesome in the middle of action, but are more like something that only Old Republic's Jedi wear; good idea, especially if Raven makes models of Qui-Gon, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan or perhaps Maul for multiplayer. I would definitely want to see Kyle wearing some kind of Jedi wardrobe, which would draw inspiration from traditional Jedi clothes(at least vest and sash, perhaps with jumpsuit underneath them like Luke had in RotJ). They should represent his "gray status", because he walks the path between light and dark unlike in MotS, where he was much more closer to the dark side(symbolically black, military style clothes, reminding the ones that Luke had in RotJ). :D

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I think there should be an even balance between graphics and AI because if there is an emphais on graphics the AI will suck and the game will not be replayable. And if there is an emphasis on the graphics the AI the graphics will suck and the difficulty level would sky rocket.

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Originally posted by SlowbieOne


I'm almost positive it has already beed decided that Force Choke(Grip) will be in JK2.

Check above my quote from the official FAQ


I think the 2nd time you mean if they concenrate in AI


Anyway I dont agree with you Luke

Graphics and AI programming are made by completly different people, Its not that the entire team will work only on the AI or only on graphics


Im positive both things will be good

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