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Is it fair to compare?


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When I try to decide which game is the better of the Monkey Island games, I feel it hard to compare the first two with the last two. I feel there's two totally different worlds in the picture. I'll explain:


The older world, or the classic era is the era when playing computergames (or consoles for that sake) were a no-no. Only geeks or nerds had computers, and it wasn't commercially hailed.

The new world, today, computer and consoles and games in it's whole is a billion-dollar-business. Like a whole new time has opened, and suddenly it's accepted in the society. And more and more girls are also getting involved in this new business too, although still way too few. So when someone asks me I tell them I like CMI just a bit better than EMI of the newer games, and of the classics I like MI2 the best. Anyone feel the same? It's like it's not fair to compare them.

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FINALLY, another MI2 lover. I love MI2, and I think its better than CMI and CMI is better than EMI. My plan is to ignore graphics and love the story and humor, etc. The content is a lot more important, as we saw in EMI, with a lack of content and SENSE.


Word to LeChuck's Revenge!

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I still think it's hard to compare. I do think overall that MI2 is the best of the bunch, but if it came out today (same style, same story, updated graphics), I don't know if it would give me the same feel.


It's like comparing the older Star Wars movies with the new one(s). The old trilogy will always be better because they have achieved a cult-status. The word "Classics" gives a feel of quality that is hard or even impossible to compete with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do agree that you can't compare the 'classics' with the newer games, but I did not like MI2 much at all. I was so disgusted with it in general that I didn't finish it for years. I'm really not sure why, though, to tell you the truth. It does have a good story and ending and I like the old 'classic' graphics much better than the new 3D style of EMI. However, my favorite, at least for graphics, is definitely CMI. It was just more fun to watch. And I hate the keyboard control in EMI. It annoys the living daylights out of me. :(

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